How to Create a Vision Board: The Beginners Guide 

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Creating a vision board is a fantastic way to ensure your goals are always at the forefront of your mind. Additionally, this sort of goal setting is great for promoting creativity and aids in reaching set goals. 

To create a vision board, start by setting realistic goals for yourself. These goals should be attainable within 6-12 months. Then, select aesthetic photos to arrange on a board that will remind you of these goals. Once completed, place the board where you’ll see it often.

In the rest of this article, I will discuss the purpose of these boards, some vision board ideas, and some easy steps to create your own. So if you want to see some vision board examples and learn more about how to make one for yourself, read on. 

What Does a Vision Board Do?

The purpose of a vision board is to get you excited about your goals and regularly remind you of them. A physical reminder of your goals for the next year is excellent for keeping them at the forefront of your thoughts and ensuring you take steps toward them. 

Also, these boards are a fantastic way to promote creativity and are highly beneficial if you are forgetful or require regular reminders of goals to complete them. 

However, anyone can benefit from one of these boards. 

Steps to Create the Ultimate Vision Board  

Creating a vision board is quite simple; however, depending on your creativity level, it can be time-consuming. That said, one of the things that makes these boards so great and effective is how you can easily tailor the board for yourself. 

You can make your board as artsy or straightforward as you want. 

So how do you get started working on your board? 

1. Reflect on Your Current Life and Goals 

First, reflecting on where you are currently in life is essential. Everyone is in a different place in their life and with their goals. So it’s essential to determine how things have gone for you in the current year and the changes you wish to see. 

Try asking yourself questions like:

  • Am I happy with how my year has gone?
  • Have I effectively reached the goals I set for myself? 
  • Which areas in my life have I excelled in?
  • Which areas in my life need improvement? 

      Asking yourself these questions will help guide you toward setting new and realistic goals. In addition, writing out your assessment of your current goal progress and how life is going, in general, is helpful. 

      You will be able to refer to these notes later during the goal creation process and to help you get ideas for your vision board.  

      2. Find Your “Why”

      The next step you need to take is determining your “why.” Your “why” is your reason/motivation behind the goals you set. For example, you might set a goal of practicing yoga each day, and your “why” might be to improve your posture.

      To determine your why, ask questions like:

      • What inspires you most?
      • What are your biggest strengths?
      • Where can you add the most value to your life?
      • What do you define as success?

      You will also likely have multiple “whys” as your motivation for each goal is likely different. The stronger your motivating reason, the more likely you will reach that specific goal. 

      So ensure you write down your “why” to revisit when you need extra motivation. 

      3. Determine Areas That Need Improvement 

      There is always room for improvement, and taking a moment to self-evaluate is essential. Generally, goals revolve around skills or other things we want to improve. There are many categories in life where improvement is beneficial. 

      So what are the best categories to include in a vision board? 

      ☀️ Categories That Should Be Included in a Vision Board ☀️

      2023 Vision Board Inspiration Example

      As I previously stated, several goal categories are essential for goal setting and creating a vision board. However, the categories you choose to include are entirely up to you and your life plan. 

      So let’s look at some of the popular vision board goal categories. 

      💛 Personal Goals

      Personal goals are arguably the most important category and often the most overlooked. Completing personal goals gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment which bleeds into your everyday life. 

      Examples of personal goals include:

      • Becoming more assertive 
      • Maintaining a positive mindset
      • Taking up a new hobby or revisiting an old one
      • Finding time for things you enjoy

      Many goal types fit within the personal goal category. In all actuality, any goal you set for yourself is considered a personal goal. 

      However, breaking these goals into more focused sections is easier to manage, especially when putting a vision board together. 

      💛 Financial Goals

      Finances almost always come into play for setting goals. The more financially well-off you are, the easier it will be to accomplish goals in other categories, such as travel and health. 

      Examples of financial goals include:

      • Creating and sticking to a budget
      • Generating new streams of income
      • Putting a set amount of money into a savings account
      • Paying off debts

      Generally, a vision board will contain a few financially related goals. 

      💛 Physical Health Goals

      Physical goals are another popular category because of how easily their progress is measured. In addition, many people spend a good portion of their days sitting or idle, making the need for exercise and nutrition even more important. 

      Examples of physical health goals include:

      • Working out at the gym four days a week
      • Drinking more water
      • Cutting out carbonated beverages
      • Stretching daily

      Of course, everyone’s physical health goals will be different. So don’t be afraid to tailor your physical wellness goals to you. 

      💛 Mental Health Goals

      Mental health goals are just as important as physical ones, especially in today’s fast-paced world. Taking care of yourself mentally will allow you to reach your goals and feel like your best self. 

      Examples of mental health goals include:

      • Learning to be more mindful
      • Being kinder to yourself
      • Healing from past traumas
      • Taking care of your body

      Mental health goals can be as simple as taking a shower every day or as complicated as enlisting the help of a therapist. 

      💛 Relationship Goals

      Relationship goals don’t necessarily refer to romantic relationships; these goals are related to any relationship you wish to improve, including friends, family, co-workers, etc. 

      Examples of relationship goals include:

      • Spending more time with a significant other or family member
      • Getting to know someone better
      • Practicing open communication 
      • Improving your listening skills 

      What goals you set for this category will heavily depend on the relationships in your life and your goals for those relationships. 

      💛 Career Goals 

      Career goals and financial goals often work hand in hand. However, when setting career goals, you often focus on more than just the financial side. 

      Examples of career goals include:

      • Improving applicable work skills
      • Taking on a leadership position
      • Starting your own business
      • Changing career paths 

      Your career goals can be as ambitious or straightforward as you want. Sometimes burnout occurs, so your goal might be to step back or take a break. 

      💛 Travel Goals 

      Lastly, one of the funnest vision board categories is travel; unless you hate traveling, then ignore this step. Traveling is a great way to understand the world better and reset your mind and body. 

      Examples of travel goals include:

      • Visiting someplace new
      • Traveling outside of your country 
      • Participating in a service mission 
      • Creating a travel bucket list 

      Your goals can include specific places and timeframes to ensure you reach those travel goals.

      4. Set Goals That Support Your Life Vision 

      Now that you understand more about the categories you should include on your board, it’s time to talk about goal setting. Your goals should be pertinent to your life, reasonably attainable, and measurable. 

      If you don’t have a lot of experience setting goals or need a refresher, I recommend checking out my article, “The Beginners Guide to Goal Setting.” This article covers S.M.A.R.T. goals and how to break your dreams into short- and long-term goals. 

      It’s also important not to overwhelm yourself with goals. Too many goals set at once often leads to burnout. 

      So pick a few goals from your desired categories and hyper-focus on those for the year. These goals should all work together to push you toward your vision of your future self. 

      5. Choose a Board Aesthetic 

      Vision board template maker

      The best part of creating a vision board is choosing the layout and format. Despite this tool being called a vision board, there are several ways you can create one. 

      Some of these board creation methods include:

      • Digital 
      • Corkboard
      • Photos
      • Magazine collage
      • Bullet Journal 

      The medium you select is totally up to you. However, vision boards placed somewhere where you view them often are known to be more effective.

      If you’re artistically inclined, you might draw something, and if you’re a photographer, pictures might be your preferred medium. 

      Pinterest and Google also have many vision board examples if you require more inspiration. 

      6. Collect the Necessary Materials 

      Once you have your layout, it’s time to acquire the materials. For example, if you’re doing a vision board from magazine clippings, you will need to get your hands on a few.

      However, if you’re creating something digitally, like on Canva, you will need a computer and possibly a printer. 

      Some of the materials you will likely need include:

      • Tape
      • Glue 
      • Paper
      • Scissors 
      • Magazines 
      • Cork Board

      If you don’t already have a board to arrange your vision board, I recommend Quartets Framed Cork Board (available on Amazon). This board is fantastic because it’s lightweight and can easily be hung for viewing. Plus, the corkboard is of excellent quality, and the board is reasonably large. 

      However, if you are trying to create a vision board on a budget, you can always paste your goals in a journal or tape pictures to a wall.

      A poster board is also a good option since you can acquire those reasonably cheaply. 

      7. Create Your Vision Board 

      Once you have everything you need to create the board, i.e., your goals, the layout, and materials, it’s time to create. Vision boards aren’t required to look a certain way, but you should keep a few things in mind when creating one. 

      The biggest thing to remember is that making your board too “busy” will make it difficult to look at. You want the vision board to be aesthetically pleasing and for each goal to pop out of the page for you. 

      Remember, this board is to remind you of your daily goals. 

      Creating your board should be fun and pump you up to reach your goals. So turn on music, make snacks, and set aside time to create. 

      If you’re more of a visual learner, I recommend checking out the video below: 

      8. Hang up your Vision Board 

      Lastly, once you’ve finished the creation process of your vision board, it’s time to hang it up. As I previously stated, the best place to put your vision board is somewhere it will be viewed often. 

      Above your desk or in your bedroom are great locations since you spend a lot of time in those locations. That said, some people post theirs in places like their kitchen or living room. So do what feels right for you.

      The more you view your board throughout the day, the more effective it will be in aiding you in accomplishing your goals. 

      How to Use Your Completed Vision Board 

      Travel vision board aesthetic

      As I previously stated, a vision board’s purpose is regularly to remind you of your goals. So place it somewhere you will see it often. 

      Additionally, it’s also a great idea to update the board as you go. If you accomplish something, you can remove it or mark it with an indicator of completion. It’s also okay to remove goals that no longer serve your overall life plan. 

      Again, vision boards are best for short-term goals between 6-12 months. However, these goals should still support your 5-year plan or life plan. 

      If you haven’t already, check out my article titled “How To Create The Perfect 5-Year Plan“. This article covers creating a 5-Year Plan, which pairs exceptionally well with vision board creation.

      It’s also important to note that a vision board won’t make your goals happen without putting in the work. You still have to work toward them; the board reminds you of what you’re working towards. 

      Final Thoughts 

      Creating a vision board doesn’t have to be complicated. The internet is full of ideas for these boards, and no one but you has to see yours.

      Utilizing a vision board is a great way to sit down, plan your year, and constantly remind yourself of your goals.

      There is no better time than the present, so sit down, create a list of your goals, and find some board inspiration. Create a board, and you’re ready to kick those goals behind. 

      Start today because one year from now, you will thank you!

      Have a bright day! 


      1. Julie Russell | 6th Jan 23

        Just found your website and what an article to start with! I love the way you explain how a vision board works and the different areas of life to have goals in! I’m trying a vision board for the first time this year. I look forward to reading more articles!

        • Lyssa day | 6th Jan 23

          Thank you, Julie! I am so glad that you enjoyed the read. I hope your first vision board turns out great! 🙂

      2. Rae | 6th Jan 23

        Great article! I definitely going to share this with a few friends. It’s right up there ally!

        • Lyssa day | 6th Jan 23

          Thanks, Rae! I am so glad you enjoyed the article. Nothing better than manifesting your goals using a vision board. 🙂

      3. Katrina | 6th Jan 23

        I love making vision boards! It’s so fun and inspiring. I make a yearly one and also monthly ones. This post is so great at going in-depth about goals.

        • Lyssa day | 6th Jan 23

          Thanks, Katrina! I love making vision boards too! They are such a creative way to get excited about your goals.

      4. Ashley | 7th Jan 23

        This is such a great post, Alyssa! I love vision boards and have created them in the past. I used to make them in the blank pages in my weekly planner so I’d be able to look at it!

        • Lyssa day | 7th Jan 23

          Thanks, Ashley! I am so glad you enjoyed it. Vision boards are a lot of fun. I really enjoy making them too and have done so in my bullet journal as well. They are such a good creative outlet for goals! 🙂

      5. Jules | 8th Jan 23

        I’ve heard of vision boards before but never tried creating one. This post explains the whole process so clearly!

        • Lyssa day | 9th Jan 23

          Thanks, Jules! I’m glad you found the post explanatory. I love creating vision boards, and I hope you try one out! They are seriously so beneficial and fun.

      6. Jenna | 9th Jan 23

        Thank you for sharing this super helpful tips! I actually just started a private vision board on Pinterest yesterday, so it’s funny I’m seeing this now. I’m going to reference this while I continue to build it. Thank you! 😊

        • Lyssa day | 9th Jan 23

          Thank you, Jenna! I’m so glad that you found the tips helpful. Good luck with your Pinterest vision board! 🙂

      7. Jaz | 9th Jan 23

        Thanks for sharing, this looks really helpful! I always say I’m going to make one, I’m definitely coming back to this.

        • Lyssa day | 9th Jan 23

          Thanks, Jaz! I hope you do end up making one. Vision boards are fantastic. I was pleasantly surprised by how making my own helped with reaching my goals more efficiently.

      8. Jodi | 9th Jan 23

        Thanks so much for the inspiration! I actually started a vision board at the beginning of the year and forgot about it LOL. I’m going to use your post as a reminder and as inspiration!

        • Lyssa day | 9th Jan 23

          Thanks, Jodi! I’m happy I was able to help. Good luck with your vision board this year!

      9. Sheila | 9th Jan 23

        Wow this is amazing. Bookmarked this article so I can get back to it as much as I want. Thanks for posting

        • Lyssa day | 9th Jan 23

          Thanks, Sheila! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about my take on vision boards. 🙂

      10. Hari | 10th Jan 23

        Wow, such a detailed article on creating a vision board. I particularly love the way you explain the importance of having one and the steps involved in creating a vision board to achieve our goals. Learned a ton of valuable information. Glad I found this post. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

        • Lyssa day | 10th Jan 23

          Thanks for your kind words, Hari! I super appreciate you taking the time to read my post. Cheers to the new year! 🙂

      11. Catherine | 10th Jan 23

        I love making vision boards! It gives me so much motivation. I get excited to make them 🙂

        • Lyssa day | 10th Jan 23

          Me too! I love the creative outlet they provide. Plus, a visual reminder of my goals is so important.

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