How To Organize Your Life Through Lists

The Secret To Keeping Yourself Organized

When I was a kid, I was a disorganized mess. In school, I would often find myself wondering how my friends were so perfect and organized all of the time.

I couldn’t fathom how they could stay focused for so long and still manage a social life. I surrounded myself with friends who were straight-A students and student body class officials. 

Of course, I wanted those things myself, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to get there. I chalked up a lot of their success to growing up in healthy, unbroken homes.

I felt that those things just simply weren’t in the cards for me. So I figured you were either born successful with an amazing support system, or you weren’t.

A few years after high school, I realized how flawed this line of thinking was. 

You are what you make of yourself:

  • So what if I came from a broken home and life was a little messy?
  • So what if I felt I had to work twice as hard as all of my peers?
  • So what if things were never just handed to me? 

I decided I wouldn’t let these things become obstacles to my success and, ultimately, my happiness. 

I knew it wouldn’t be easy, especially with my short attention span, but I knew I had to develop a system to help me stay focused to reach my goals, and you know what?

I found it through list-making!

I know it sounds lame, but trust me. This discovery was life-changing for me, and it very well could be for you too.  

How Lists Will Help You Accomplish Your Goals

So why list-making? 

I found that through writing all of my tasks down over the week, I was better able to map out my goals and the steps it would take to reach them. 

Once I started creating a daily to-do list, I no longer forgot about things, and I was more on top of my goals.

Not only was I able to stay on track to reach my long-wished-for goals, but ticking off each task on my list filled me with a sense of accomplishment. 

Other benefits of list-making include:

  • Staying organized
  • Visualizing goals 
  • Prioritizing tasks 
  • Reducing stress and anxiety 
  • Staying focused 
  • No longer forgetting about important tasks

“Lists are a form of power.”

– A.S. Byatt 

How To Get Started List Making 

To do this week list. Monday- Sunday.
Simple To-Do List

All you will need is a notebook and a decent pen. 

Your lists can be as basic or elaborate as you would like. It will take some time to find a list style that works for you, but don’t give up! 

For me, my lists are messy, and I have terrible handwriting, but they do the trick! 

I recommend starting your list by creating a To-Do list for each day of the week and strategically organizing the tasks across the days of the week so as not to overwhelm yourself. 

This is the best way to avoid burnout! 

I also like to create a section labeled “To Do This Week” before organizing all my tasks under each day of the week. 

This section helps me remember my goals for the week and stay on track to accomplish those goals. 

I like to create little squares beside each task to get that little burst of dopamine from checking off each task I have accomplished that day. 

It doesn’t matter how small the tasks are; I will put them on my list. Everything from showering to yard work. If it doesn’t get written down, it doesn’t happen. 

In short:

  1. Label the top of your sheet of paper “To-Do” and date the week.
  2. Under “To Do,” Write out Sunday-Monday, leaving plenty of space to write below each.
  3. In the right upper corner, create a space and label the section “To Do This Week.”
  4. Under “To Do This Week,” list all of the tasks you would like to accomplish for the week.
  5. Take the “To Do This Week” tasks and distribute them under your Sunday- Monday “To-Do” Sections.
  6. Check off each task as you accomplish it throughout your week.
  7. Don’t be afraid to add tasks as you think of them throughout your week.
  8. Repeat all steps the following week.

If you are finding the idea of making a list for the week overwhelming, start small. Then, try creating a daily list and see how it goes!

Also, if you are one of those who, like my husband, prefer everything digital, create a digital To-Do list!

But whatever you do, just write out your week! 

Other Lists You Can Make To Stay Organized

A weekly to-do list is a great place to start when it comes to list-making and getting one’s self-organized, but we can always take that organization one step further. 

If, like me, you find you also NEED a list to keep yourself organized and on track to reach your goals, then you should definitely consider creating these lists as well. 

Having specific lists from which to pull tasks to fill in my To-Do lists during the week helps me stay organized and on top of all of my projects. 

Some of the helpful lists I recommend creating are:

1. A Meal Plan/Shopping List

It is impressive how time-consuming feeding oneself and one’s family can be, and we have to be prepared to do so three-plus times a day. 

This is why I definitely recommend creating a weekly menu and never going shopping without a list.

Before each shopping trip, I make sure to write out the meals I plan to make over the next two weeks (I hate shopping so much that I only do it once every two weeks). 

I then create a shopping list at the bottom of the page, under which I list all the ingredients I will need for the meals I have planned for the next two weeks. 

This helps me stay within our grocery budget and keeps me on track to make nourishing meals for my family throughout the week. 

If you would like to learn more about how to meal plan effectively, be sure to check out my article How To Save Hours Of Time Through Meal Planning. 

2. A Monthly To-Do List 

This is an excellent list for those of you who have busy schedules and need to stick to a strict routine. 

I personally love my monthly to-do list because it helps me to remember the bigger picture. It’s easy to leave all the major tasks for the end of the month and to leave yourself scrambling the last week of that month. 

This is why having a monthly to-do list to reference as you create your daily to-do lists is vital to staying on top of your life. 

A monthly to-do list doesn’t need to be anything fancy. A simple list in the back of your notebook will work just fine! 

3. A Goal To-Do List 

How to write a to do list for your goals.
Goal To-Do List

A goal to-do list is often overlooked when it comes to list-making. We generally write down our goals once a year and call it good, but we really shouldn’t. 

Our goals for the year should be placed somewhere where we view them often and can reference them regularly. 

Long-term goals are reached through the small actionable steps we take each day to reach them. 

If you struggle with staying on top of your long-term goals, you should definitely check out my cute new Printable Goal Planner! It has helped me so much when it comes to tracking my goals, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have. 

4. House Work To-Do List 

I will say that I struggle the most with staying on top of this list. I’m not too fond of cleaning, but I can’t focus if my house is a mess. This is why I find this list to be quite valuable. 

Your housework list should include deep cleaning projects you have been meaning to get around to or things like repainting a bedroom, weeding, washing windows, or replanting a flower bed. 

It can be challenging to remember to get to specific house projects, and often when you do remember about them, you are already in the middle of something else. 

This is why it is imperative that if you think about a home task that needs to be done that you WRITE IT DOWN! 

7. A Career To-Do List 

As with every goal in life, we should also be setting goals for our careers. One of the best ways to advance one’s career is to stay on top of things. 

List-making in a professional setting is highly beneficial. It can mean the difference between remembering to send that one important email and securing a client before logging out for the day and losing potential business.

No matter the job, I always create a daily task list of things I wish to accomplish by the end of the day and help me stay focused throughout the day. 

8. A Self-Care To-Do List 

I would dare say that having a self-care to-do list is one of the most important lists you can have. But, unfortunately, self-care can be pretty tricky to squeeze into our busy lives, and like I always say, “if it doesn’t get written down, it doesn’t happen.”  

So schedule it in!

It really does help. Plus, let’s face it, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So to be on top of our goals, we need to feel refreshed. This is why I created my very own Printable Self-Care Planner. 

“List, list, O, list!”

– William Shakespeare, in Hamlet


Writing out a to do list to better reach your goals.
Write It Down

In close, there are many categories of lists that we can choose to create to better our lives. So, I challenge you to sit down and create a weekly to-do list and watch how your life will change. 

Try it out for a few weeks and see how you like it. 

Then be sure to add more of the comprehensive lists to better pull tasks from your week and see what happens. 

You won’t regret it!

If you would like to learn more about how you can achieve your dream life, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our monthly newsletter and get a heads up on future articles.

Also, don’t forget to check out our cute printable SHOP for fun prints that will help you keep track of your goals and more!

Have a bright day!


  1. Sally | 17th Nov 21

    I use excel spreadsheets for everything, each of my websites, my travel plans, things I need to do. I would be lost without them.

    • Lyssa day | 17th Nov 21

      I love that! My husband does that as well. Everything is on a spreadsheet or it doesn’t get done.

  2. Shar | 17th Nov 21

    I love and value my to-do lists! They help me to reach my goals and know where to focus my time.

    • Lyssa day | 17th Nov 21

      Yes! Lists are such an important tool to keep us on track to reach our goals in every category of life. 🙂

  3. Jen @ JENRON DESIGNS | 17th Nov 21

    So many great tips on how to achieve your marketing goals, this is a great resource.

    • Lyssa day | 17th Nov 21

      Thank you, Jen! It is such a simple way to keep yourself on track.

  4. Abby | 17th Nov 21

    Lists are my life! So essential to help me stay organized and on track. Great advice!

    • Lyssa day | 18th Nov 21

      Thank you, Abby! List are really how I accomplish anything in life. If it doesn’t get written down it doesn’t happen. 🙂

  5. Sammy T | 17th Nov 21

    I have to write EVERYTHING down!! I love a good list, or 10 haha. Thank you for the tips!

    • Lyssa day | 18th Nov 21

      SAME! I am so glad that I’m not the only one. I would be completely lost without my lists!

  6. Krysten Quiles | 17th Nov 21

    I use lists for everything, without them I’d never be able to get anything done!

    • Lyssa day | 18th Nov 21

      I feel the same way! Lists are such a wonderful way to keep you on track. I have the memory of a goldfish without them. LOL.

  7. Jean | 17th Nov 21

    Having a list is great for a more organize thoughts and to make sure you dont forget anything.

    • Lyssa day | 18th Nov 21

      Yes, definitely!! If it doesn’t get written down it usually doesn’t happen at my house.

  8. Kaybee Lives | 17th Nov 21

    I am a little list obsessed! It helps me organize the many thoughts swirling around in my head, and it feels so good to cross things off the list! These are great ideas of other ways to help organize your life through lists! Love it!

    • Lyssa day | 18th Nov 21

      Me too! I love the feeling of checking off my tasks for the day. I am so glad I am not the only one. My husband thinks my lists are over the top but I really can’t function without them. Lol.

  9. Heather | 18th Nov 21

    I have lists of lists. Well that’s not true, I love your idea of different lists for different areas. Going to have to start doing that because I have scraps everywhere of random things to do. I’ve also learned to be very specific with my lists because I would write things down and then forget the entire task I needed to do. Great ideas!

    • Lyssa day | 18th Nov 21

      Thank you, Heather! I am so glad that you found my different list categories helpful. They have been very useful in keeping me organized in multiple areas of life. If it doesn’t get written down it doesn’t happen.

  10. Ivana | 19th Nov 21

    I always have a list on my phone of things I need to buy when I go shopping or to the grocery store. It’s so helpful 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 19th Nov 21

      That is a fantastic way to keep a list. I wish I could use my phone for my lists but there is just something about paper that I find easier to use. My husband is certainly a fan of digital lists as well. I am super glad that you found something that works for you! 🙂

  11. Abida | 19th Nov 21

    The whole blog post from top to bottom was really great. I loved it a lot since I am also a great fan of Keeping myself organized entirely. Thanks for sharing these outstanding and helpful tips and tricks😀

    • Lyssa day | 19th Nov 21

      Thank you, Abida! I am so glad that you enjoyed the article. List making has helped me so much in life I thought I would share my secret. 🙂

  12. Linda | 19th Nov 21

    I’m a life-long proponent of list making! I’ve tried to sell my 13 yo on this concept, but he just can’t commit. I’m determined to win that battle! 😉 But, yes…if it’s not written down, I won’t remember, and I also find that when I’m overwhelmed, just jotting down a few to-do’s helps me realize that the to-do’s really aren’t that daunting.

    • Lyssa day | 19th Nov 21

      I am so glad that I am not the only one who lives by their lists! I hope you win the list battle with your son! He will most likely come around one day! 😂

  13. Natascha | 19th Nov 21

    wow, these are such great tips! Lists are so key to creating a well-organized life

    • Lyssa day | 19th Nov 21

      Thank you, Natasha! I am so glad that you found the article helpful. Lists are such a simple tool to make big improvements in your daily life. I know I would not be nearly as organized without my many lists.

  14. Deanna | Life By Deanna | 19th Nov 21

    These are good lists! I am such a list maker 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 20th Nov 21

      Lists are seriously so helpful!

  15. Tina | 22nd Nov 21

    Thank you for sharing! Your blog is full of great information!

    • Lyssa day | 22nd Nov 21

      Thanks for reading, Tina! 🙂

  16. Cheryl Weeks | 22nd Nov 21

    Good article, I love making list, it helps me to get things done, thank you

    • Lyssa day | 22nd Nov 21

      Thank you, Cheryl! I’m glad I’m not the only one who lives by lists. They are truly a life saver.

  17. Martina | 22nd Nov 21

    This is a great reminder for me to write everything down again! I always put this off mainly because I have forgotten how helpful writing lists is. Thank you for this insightful blog xx

    • Lyssa day | 22nd Nov 21

      Thank you, Martha! I am so glad I could help inspire you to get back to list-making. They really are a fantastic way to keep ourselves organized and on track to reach our goals. 🙂

  18. Nishtha | 22nd Nov 21

    Great post with wonderful ideas! Lists help me a lot too and keeps me sane, else I will be forgetting 30% of everything:)

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Nov 21

      Thank you, Nishtha! I feel the same. I am completely lost without my to-do lists!

  19. Shar | 23rd Nov 21

    Lists are very helpful. I have them on my phone to access all the time.

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Nov 21

      I agree! I am so glad that you find them helpful as well. My husband also prefers to keep his lists digital, he likes having them so accessible. I personally prefer the paper lists. I’m not sure why, but they work better for me. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  20. Jenny | 23rd Nov 21

    It sounds so obvious yet most people don’t bother writing a list. I try to write lists often and I do love ticking each one off as I go!

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Nov 21

      I know, there is something so rewarding about checking off tasks! List making is just one of those simple things people often overlook but boy is it a game-changer.

  21. Jen @ JENRON DESIGNS | 23rd Nov 21

    So many great tips for marketing I have never really done the list marketing before but I am going to try it.

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Nov 21

      Thank you, Jen! You will have to let me know how it goes for you. I love them so much and would be completely lost without my lists.

  22. Digitaldaybook | 23rd Nov 21

    I can’t live without lists it’s an absolute must for me!

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Nov 21

      I am so glad I am not the only one! Without a list, I feel as if my day gets wasted. They help me stay focused and productive. 🙂

  23. Smiley | 23rd Nov 21

    Thanks for sharing – I’m currently on the recovery to-do list. Having a goal is great but also have to remember to celebrate the little victories, baby steps, that are often forgotten about, especially in recovery…be proud of how far you’ve come!

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Nov 21

      Thank you, Smiley! Yes! Celebrating the small victories is so important too! Part of why I like list-making is being able to look back at all I have accomplished throughout the week. It’s nice to have a reminder that I did my best and accomplished things no matter how small. I hope your recovery continues to go well!

  24. Scout | 23rd Nov 21

    Oh yeah! When you’re busy, you’ve got to have lists. Otherwise, everything gets jumbled in your head and things can get missed. Totally agree 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Nov 21

      100%! I’m glad you agree. I always have way too much on my mind to stay focused and on top of things without a list. Lists are the best!

  25. Jennifer Pompaski | 24th Nov 21

    I don’t know why people underate lists! They are so helpful and absolutely love the ones you’ve listed here. Self care is a big deal for me so yes, self care to do list is ideal for me!

    • Lyssa day | 25th Nov 21

      I know! I feel like lists are very important when it comes to time management and they are great for helping you schedule out time for yourself. 🙂

  26. Christina | 24th Nov 21

    My lists are critical to keep my life organized. I often stop taking the time to make them when life gets busy and I need them the most. Thanks for the reminder about how important lists are.

    • Lyssa day | 25th Nov 21

      You’re very welcome. 🙂 I forget about my lists from time to time but always quickly get back to them since I am completely lost without them.

  27. ChaRasing | 24th Nov 21

    Sometimes my thoughts are so cluttered that instead of accomplishing a number of things, I ended up with nothing. I need to start writing my to-do list. Thanks for the remind.

    • Lyssa day | 25th Nov 21

      I have definitely been there! I always have way too much going on and without my lists things quickly get messy. I hope that you find list-making as useful as I have! 🙂

  28. Jennifer Record | 24th Nov 21

    Oh my word- yes yes yes to ALL of this… I live for lists, and live off my lists…. it is the only way anything gets done. Thank you for reaffirming my obsession 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 25th Nov 21

      Thank you, Jennifer! I am SO glad I am not the only one! My family likes to tease me about my many lists but they are truly a life saver.

  29. Pam | 26th Nov 21

    Nice article and very interesting. I love making lists too, but sometimes I find it difficult to stay focused because of my overwhelming job. I am not giving though, I am going to try your tips this time. Thanks for sharing.

    • Lyssa day | 26th Nov 21

      Thank you, Pam! I am so glad that you found my list article helpful! I hope the tips help you as much as they have helped me. 🙂

  30. Valerie Borkovich | 26th Nov 21

    Great article! I definitely need to implement more of these in my life!

    • Lyssa day | 26th Nov 21

      Thanks, Valerie! I am so glad that you found my list tips helpful. 🙂

  31. Tamera-YourChristianBestFriend | 29th Nov 21

    Oh I LOVE me some lists! It’s actually a category on my blog “Love Me Some Lists” 😂. I’ve been known to make random lists especially when I’m bored. They’re my happy place.

    • Lyssa day | 29th Nov 21

      That is so awesome! 😂 I am so happy to know I am not the only one who lives by their lists! Lists keep me sane! 🙂

  32. Laurie | 29th Nov 21

    I am definitely a person who needs a list to see what needs done. I also prefer a paper list than an app. Just easier for me to see and cross off items.

    Thanks for putting this together!
    Ridge Haven Homestead

    • Lyssa day | 29th Nov 21

      Thank you, Laurie! I feel the same about paper lists vs digital ones. My husband has always preferred them but I forget to check digital lists whereas I can leave my paper ones out somewhere I will stumble across often. 🙂

  33. Cori Dickess | 29th Nov 21

    I have to make lists. I live off of lists. They are so very important in keeping your mind straight so that you don’t go bonkers! Good read!

    • Lyssa day | 29th Nov 21

      Thanks, Cori! Yes! I don’t know what I would do without my lists. They seriously make my whole world go round. 🙂

  34. KP | 30th Nov 21

    Wow! Thanks for these tips! I tend to forget that making lists are important to handle day-to-day tasks. I’ll keep these in mind.

    • Lyssa day | 30th Nov 21

      Thank you! I think we all go through cycles of remembering to make them. Lists are seriously so helpful though. 🙂

  35. Lory | 1st Dec 21

    Lists are so helpful. I am lost without mine. I feel so much better when I check things off as done!

    • Lyssa day | 1st Dec 21

      I feel the exact same about list-making! 🙂

  36. Danwil R. | 1st Dec 21

    I actually needed this list to keep myself organized.

    • Lyssa day | 1st Dec 21

      I am so glad to be of help. 🙂

  37. Jen | 1st Dec 21

    This is a good way to ensure you are on track with daily activities and you dont forget anything especially important list of things to do.

    • Lyssa day | 1st Dec 21

      Exactly! Lists really help so much. I live by my lists and would be so lost without them. 🙂

  38. Nicole @ MillenialMom | 2nd Dec 21

    This is a wonderfully well thought-out article on how lists can help you get more done. I love the idea of all the separate to-do lists and distributing the tasks throughout the week. I am big on making lists too, and goal setting. Typically, I have tasks every week to work on my goals too, I am glad you put that on here. I also love how you link to all the different planning products to make it easier to find something that is discussed in the article. I actually just put out an ebook about goal planning, so it is a subject that is really close to my heart, and something that can help so many people. Thank you so much for these tips!

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Dec 21

      Thank you, Nicole! And congratulations on your new ebook! That is such a wonderful accomplishment! 🙂

  39. Andrea | 3rd Dec 21

    You know, I never really considered making a self-care list. I love checking off boxes and crossing out to-do list items. Maybe this way I’d actually take some time to care for myself, as well as the house and all the errands.

  40. Amanda Burnett | 3rd Dec 21

    If i’m being honest, I have no idea what I’d do or how’d I remember anything without lists! Haha! Great post, Alyssa.

  41. Denise Gardiner | 3rd Dec 21

    Great lists, Alyssa! I also believe in lists to stay focused in attaining your goals. One thing I have learned over the years is to have a plan and stay focused on what you need to accomplish DAILY to reach those goals. Thank you for sharing!

  42. Jenny Pink | 5th Dec 21

    Lists are very helpful! I try not to keep just mental ones these days since I tend to forget more as I grow older…

  43. Ellis James Designs | 5th Dec 21

    Great ideas for lists! I’ll be sure to adopt a couple for my own everyday!

  44. Miss Farah Al Zadjaly | 6th Dec 21

    This is really good and helpful. I need to start organizing my life with list. I think I will be able to get more done.

  45. Michelle Gast | 14th Dec 21

    This is awesome and so helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  46. Adventure Awaits Us At Home | 20th Dec 21

    One of favorite ways to stay organized- my lists. I have lists for everything. If it’s not on my list, I forget about it. Plus I love having some of my lists to refer back to after completed as reference. I also feel a sense of accomplishment when I can check off the items.

  47. Predrag Kovačević | 20th Dec 21

    This is one hundred percent true. It often happens to me that due to too many obligations I end my shopping without the main things I came for in the first place when I go without my list.

  48. Jeannie | 22nd Dec 21

    A care list is so important, I also like the career list you wrote, for me I need to attend and finish some trainings

  49. Cassandra | 1st Jan 22

    I absolutely love my lists! I would be completely lost without them. The satisfaction of checking a task off once it’s completed is the best! Thank you for the great tips!

  50. hameesha | 7th Jan 22

    I came across the right article at the right time. The whole article from the begining to the end is o good. Loved it.. Getting ready to make my list now.. Thank you sharing an awesome plan with us.

  51. Westwing Home & Living | 8th Jan 22

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

  52. Marie | 9th Jan 22

    I just started organizing my days with lists and it is so satisfying to tick things off it. Love the article 🙂

  53. Kit | 9th Jan 22

    This is a great post! I love keeping lists, I make one every day for work tasks and housework. 🙂

  54. The Confused Twenty Something | 25th Jan 22

    I love list making! I honestly don’t know where I’d be without lists, they keep me so organised and I love ticking off my tasks!

  55. anatureescape | 14th Feb 22

    I call my to do lists brain dumps. It really helps me sleep and be fully present when I can “dump” all my tasks onto paper.

  56. Skye Sauchelli | 18th Feb 22

    Love your tips for making a weekly to-do list and dividing it into daily lists. List making is my favorite!! I swear by a to-do list. I’ve also taken it to the next level and created a planner. Each month I outline goals I want to accomplish and schedule certain days to work on each goal. It’s been a game changer for productivity and motivation!

  57. Evon | 23rd Feb 22

    A list appears to be an excellent way to organize one’s life while reducing stress. Win-win situation! I think I’ll give it a shot.

  58. Mehaa | 29th Mar 22

    List-making is a serious game changer. I have no idea what I’d do without my lists! Thank you for this post!

  59. Nicolle | 20th Apr 22

    I LOVE a good list 😉
    Really liked the idea about a self-care list…..this will be my next list!
    Thank you so much for putting this together 😉

  60. Lani | 20th Apr 22

    Lists are so powerful. Thanks for the tips, this will make me more organized.

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