12 Ways To Find Your Motivation

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It’s easy to get excited about a new goal or project. The hard part is staying motivated. 

Have you ever noticed how the most successful people never seem to lose motivation? 

That’s because successful individuals have learned the secret to staying productive even when they don’t feel like it.

Because let’s be honest, sometimes you aren’t going to “feel like it.” 

You’re not going to feel like going to the gym, going to work, writing that essay, or getting up an hour earlier. 


One of the biggest obstacles I’ve faced in adulthood has been overcoming “not feeling like it.” 

I had somehow gotten this misconceived notion into my head that not feeling like doing something was bad. 

Not only was it bad, but scary. 

“It’s not that some people have the willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.”

James Gordon

You see, our brains are powerful things, and these recurrent negative thoughts had begun to ingrain themselves deeply into my subconscious. 

Not only did I not want to do specific tasks, but I was also terrified to do so.

Little things that shouldn’t have been a big deal became HUGE!

Until I realized something, it’s okay not to feel like it. That doesn’t mean the world will fall apart. 

It merely meant that healthy habits were needed in order to keep moving forward. 


Blue strand of light bulbs to symbolize thinking and getting motivated.
Brilliant Ideas

“How do I stay motivated?” Seems to be a question that plagues many.

It’s easy to get excited, but how do we learn to follow through?


Within each goal, there is a “why.” It is essential to determine your “why” as you embark on your goal journey. 

Without a clear “why” it is too easy to lose motivation or forget what should be driving you toward success. 

Ask yourself,

  • What inspires you?
  • What are your strengths?
  • Where can you add the most value?
  • What equals success to you?

I recommend writing your answers down.  


Setting a goal is one thing, actually defining it is another. 

To reach any goal, you must create an actionable plan. 

A great way to do this is by creating a 5-year plan!

A 5-year plan will give you a clear map to keep you motivated as you set out to accomplish your goals. 

Having a clear goal plan also helps you track your progress, which is a powerful motivator when it comes to goals. 

For a more in-depth look at how to create a 5-year plan, be sure to check out my new article Creating The Perfect 5-Year Plan


Excitement and enthusiasm are imperative for developing long-term motivation.

If you aren’t thrilled about your new goals, chances are, you won’t achieve them. 

So get excited! 

Make a vision board or write your goals out somewhere you will see them often! 

This should help you stay pumped and continuously remind you why you are doing this. 

Man taking action by back-flipping from a boat into the water.
Discover What Excites You


Nothing will happen without taking those first few steps.

That first step is always the hardest.

Once you get going (Creating positive habits and continuously following a healthy routine), things get easier as you begin to build self-discipline. 

Mel Robbins talks a lot about how to take action when we don’t feel like it. She discovered a fantastic trick, which she calls The 5-Second Rule. 

In her book, she teaches you how to increase your willpower and move before your brain has time to talk you out of it. 

A family member showed me this book a few years ago, and it completely changed my life. 

This book is the reason my husband and I own two homes by the age of 25, why we both work from home, and why we have been able to create such a relaxed lifestyle. 

If you haven’t read Mel Robbins The 5-Second rule yet, you really should! 

She also has an amazing training course you can take!


When it comes to improving motivation, one of the most important tools we have access to is the ability to create lasting habits

How can one create a lasting habit? 

Well, a habit is defined as a task that is performed regularly until it practically becomes second nature. 

The point of creating healthy habits is to get used to doing certain tasks each day that will bring you closer to your desired goals.  

Habits and goals go hand in hand. You simply cannot have one without the other. 

Woman holding a smiley balloon, feeling motivated.
Create Your Own Happiness



Everyone does. 

The difference is, not everyone lets those days hold them back.

Successful people accept what they cannot change and take control of what they can. 

If you are having an off day, try turning the day into a day of self-care to help get yourself back on track!


Behave as if you have already achieved the life you want, and the rest will follow!


Visualizations can undoubtedly help you stay motivated!

Picture the kind of life you wish to have, the type of person you want to be, each morning.

Entertaining these positive and uplifting thoughts is a fantastic motivator.

Cresent moon dream catcher to help you picture your dream life.


Expressing gratitude is the perfect way to keep a positive mindset, which is key to staying motivated! 

Try journaling, or listing things that you are grateful for out loud.

It’s much harder to feel sorry for yourself after completing a list of all the things you do have. 

I do both.

I recite a daily gratitude list in the mornings with my affirmations as well as periodically listing things I am grateful for in my bullet journal


I talk about this a lot, but that’s because it is SO important. 

To be successful in life, you must remove toxic people from your life.

It is said that you become the five people with which you spend most of your time. 

Take a look at your inner circle.

Are those people conducive to your goals? Or are they hindering your productivity and motivation?


I’m talking, books, ted-talks, podcasts, and music. 

A great way to stay motivated is to intake inspiring content. 

Which is why I start every morning by listening to motivational audiobooks or podcasts as I get ready in the morning.  

Creating the proper mindset every morning will help you set out to accomplish each day with a sense of purpose. 


Small light bulb to symbolize learning and becoming motivated.
Learn From Your Experiences

As Thomas Edison so wonderfully put it, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

It is so important that we acknowledge our mistakes and allow them to push us toward our goals


No matter the goal, it will require patience and commitment.

So get excited, be creative, and stay consistent! 

And remember, you aren’t always going to “feel like it” but just keep going.


If you’re looking for more resources for setting goals and achieving your best life, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to stay current on future articles and to receive our FREE 5-day Mind Reboot email series! 

Also, don’t forget to check out our cute Printable Store!

What are your biggest motivators?

I’d love to know! Let me know in the comments below. 

Have a bright day! 


  1. Kara | 3rd May 20

    I love these ideas! Such a well thought out article. Thank you for sharing.

    • Lyssa day | 3rd May 20

      Thank you, Kara! Staying motivated is such an important part of accomplishing goals, which is something I am very passionate about. I am so glad you enjoyed the article. 🙂

  2. Allie. | 3rd May 20

    This is a really great post. Staying motivated is something that I struggle with from time to time. But I have found that setting and visualizing my goals and continuously reminding myself of all the things I have to be grateful for have really helped me with this.

    • Lyssa day | 3rd May 20

      Thank you, Allie! Practicing gratitude and Visualizing your goals is an excellent way to re-motivate yourself!

  3. Ainsley | 3rd May 20

    Love the “act as if” tip!! Great motivator for actually doing!

    • Lyssa day | 3rd May 20

      Thank you, Ainsley! “Acting as if” is an awesome way to move your goals along and find your motivation! I am so glad that you enjoyed the article.

  4. Rosslyn | 4th May 20

    Thanks for this. It was a very inspiring post.

  5. Nur Islam | 4th May 20

    Nice article! But you can hardly find motivated people around you these days (my case). But, I find lot of motivated people on the Internet and it is great.

    • Lyssa day | 4th May 20

      Thanks, Nur! It can certainly be difficult to find uplifting people in this day and age, but turning to the internet for motivation is also a great option! 🙂

  6. Crystal | 4th May 20

    Great points mentioned! I especially like #6 (Accept that low motivation days happen) and #12 (It isn’t failure if you learned something). I agree that there will always be days of low motivation and they’re needed to refocus and reset again. But also, even in failure if we figure something out to improve ourselves, then that failure wasn’t in vain. Thanks for writing 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 5th May 20

      Thank you, Crystal! I am so glad that you enjoyed the article. I think people often forget that we are only human and that not every day will be productive and full of adventures and that’s okay! We are also going to mess up and that sounds harsh but that’s how we learn and learning is great!

  7. Maria Koss | 4th May 20

    That is what I needed! I simply need to get excited about everything I do at this point of uncertainties.

    • Lyssa day | 5th May 20

      I am so glad Maria! Getting excited is an excellent tool for staying motivated! I wish you well on your goal journey. 🙂

  8. Mikaela | 5th May 20

    This is a good read! Very timely for my situation.

  9. lisa | 5th May 20

    I think this is perfect especially for these times when our routines are all haywire and we mostly are at home in pjs. I think it is important to assess your situation and live in the now . I express gratitude daily by sharing what I am grateful for with my best friend and I try my best to push past the excuses . This is a really thought provoking post .

  10. Cecilie | 6th May 20

    I loved this post! My hardest one is definitely “not feeling like it.” When that mindset first kicks in, I don’t get anything done… I definitely find that thinking about the “why”is helping.
    I’m also a very structured person. I love to write down the small goals of the day, because marking one goal as finished is a great feeling. That really keeps me motivated.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Cecilie! I also love to write down all of my tasks for the day. It helps me stay motivated and on track. 🙂

  11. Jen Towkaniuk | 6th May 20

    #4 is the key. Without taking action nothing ever happens. Loved the part about consuming inspiring media as well. Nothing makes me less motivated than negative news. Just drags me down. I’ve got no time for that!

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Jen. I agree! You can wish and dream all day, but until you physically move on that dream it will not become a reality.

  12. Livi | 6th May 20

    Nice article! Help a lot 😊

  13. Candice | 6th May 20

    These are definitely great points to remember. I always feel bad on the days I just don’t feel like doing anything, so I’ll have to keep these in mind.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      You definitely shouldn’t feel bad. We ALL have low days and that’s okay. All that matters is that you take care of yourself and keep going. You’ve got this! 🙂

  14. Chelsea | 6th May 20

    Finding your why really resonates with me: personally I have down days but doing things related to my goals have just become part of my daily routine thanks to finding my why!

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      I love that. Finding your “why” plays such a huge role in our motivation and the completion of our goals.

  15. Gwen | 6th May 20

    Such a great list. Super inspiring. I have recently discovered the power of having a plan and committing to it. Thanks so much.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Gwen! Yes, I agree! Having a plan is SO important. Planning out my week has completely changed my life and helped me stay motivated!

  16. Jen @ Jenron Designs | 6th May 20

    Great tips I have those I don’t feel like it moments hit me all the time. Where I feel uninspired or a lack of motivation. Now I will take your advice see if I can push those moments.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Jen! We all have those moments of low motivation, what matters is we keep pushing. You’ve got this! 🙂

  17. Ina | 6th May 20

    Those are all helpful tips. And yes, energy and motivation are contagious, so it’s good to surround ourselves with like-minded people, and people who do not drain our energy.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Ina! I completely agree! Who we surround ourselves with is very important and plays a huge role in our motivation.

  18. Lori | 6th May 20

    Great tips here! What we are inputting into our brains, what we tell ourselves, and who we surround ourselves with is crucial.
    I like the part where you said it’s okay to have a bad day or an off day. That happens to me and sometimes I best myself up about it ! Lol but we’re just human we are not perfect.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Lori! I agree, we are only human! We are too hard on ourselves when we aren’t in a constant state of productivity, but that’s not realistic. Taking a day or two is necessary and important.

  19. Jimmy Clare | 6th May 20

    I like these tips thanks for them

  20. Pamela | 6th May 20

    I absolutely love this post! Great tips that I’ll use!

  21. rosemary | a hint of rosemary | 6th May 20

    Oh my goodness! This article is so insightful and packed full of wonderful ideas! Pinning for future inspiration!

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Rosemary! I am so glad you enjoyed the article. Motivation is so important!

  22. Kathleen | 6th May 20

    Thanks for these tips! They came in at a great time because I’ve been feeling unmotivated lately. But yes, I should remember my goal and keep going! 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Kathleen. I am so glad that you found my article helpful. I think we all feel unmotivated at times and we just need a little pick me up to help put us back on track. You have totally got this! 🙂

  23. Okila James Wonga | 7th May 20

    Tips no 5 and 7 are my favorite. I should put the work to have lasting habits and start acting as if without getting cocky or delusional. Good article.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Okila. Hard work will definitely pay off when it comes to accomplishing your goals and staying motivated.

  24. Charlotte Jessop | 8th May 20

    Action is my word for 2020. If I take action every day then I will get where I want to be.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      I love the idea of having a word for the year! And action is the perfect word to keep one motivated. I may have to try that.

  25. Rowena | 8th May 20

    Absolutely love this post!

  26. Surabhi | 10th May 20

    Beautiful post! We need some positivity to deal with today’s times, gratitude is very important!

  27. Katrina | 12th May 20

    These are great ideas. Sometimes finding motivation can be so hard, especially when working from home. I’ll have to try some of these tips.

  28. Julianne | 29th May 20

    Great post! There’s some wonderful tips here. They say we become what we surround ourselves with, so consuming positive media throughout the day is so important. Thanks for sharing!

  29. mobile legends cheat | 30th Sep 20

    I love reading an article that will make people think.
    Also, thank you for allowing for me to comment!

  30. Kaybee Lives | 10th Jan 22

    These are great tips for when you are feeling a little off and just cant find your motivation. I have found that “piggybacking” off of someone else’s motivation can kick start me to get moving. Talking to someone who is excited about what they are doing or even watching a youtube video of someone who is motivated can often give me the jump I need to get going. Thanks for these great tips!

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