How To Be Happy, Now

Ditching The “I’ll Be Happy When…” Attitude. 

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In today’s instant gratification world, it isn’t always easy to feel happy.

It can often feel like something is missing, that there is still something more you could have or be. 

Too often, we compare ourselves to other’s highlight reels; that’s what they are, all the posts you generally see on Instagram and Facebook. 

Those posts are merely the high moments of someone else’s life, and we have to be careful not to fall into the vicious cycle of comparison.


I was very guilty of this for a long time!

It’s so easy to have a good day ruined by invasive thoughts telling you that you aren’t doing enough.

Thoughts like these are destructive and must stop! 


When it comes to being happy right now, it seems that one of the biggest obstacles to finding happiness is living in the moment. 

It’s far too easy to tell ourselves, “I’ll be happy when…” But for some reason, happiness still manages to elude us even once we’ve hit the “when.” 


Busy bee enjoying life by landing on some white flowers.
Find Joy In The Simple Things

It is so easy to forget to live in the moment; our lives are full of distractions! These distractions provide the perfect diversion from facing our thoughts or problems head-on. 

Why would anyone want to sit alone with their thoughts when there are adorable kitten videos that need watching?

So with so much going on, how does one remove the distractions and live in the moment?


To appreciate what we do have, we must change our perception of happiness. 

Ask yourself, what does it mean to be happy? What is holding me back from being happy

Let’s take a piece of paper and divide it into four sections, I am, I can, I have, and I will. 

Here’s an example:

Jot down at least 3 positive adjectives describing yourself. 


  • Strong
  • Intelligent
  • Ambitious 
  • Determined

Now, write at least 3 things you know you can do! 


Next, write 3 positive things you are grateful to have in your life. 


  • A loving family
  • A beautiful home
  • A stable job
  • A great life 

Next, what kinds of things WILL you accomplish? Write them down!


“The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.”

– William Morris


Find peace in the calm of nature.
The Calm Of Nature

Once I started practicing gratitude daily, I saw a significant shift in my happiness. 

Every morning I spend about 10 minutes meditating/reciting positive affirmations and stating things I am grateful for, no matter how small. 

This helps me get into the right headspace for the day and is an excellent tool for feeling content with the things you do have in life. 

Plus, when you hear all the fantastic things you DO have, it is much harder to focus on the things you don’t!


A lot of relief can be found in learning to let go of the constant need for perfection.

Learn to find comfort in a job well done and move on. 

Now I know a lot of my perfectionists out there will struggle with this, but if you can learn to do your best and move forward, not only will you feel happier, but you will free up more of your time for the things that really matter.


I talk about this a lot, but that’s because I cannot stress enough the importance of having a good routine

Routines provide a sense of control and accomplishment, both of which are key to feeling happy! 

If you want to learn more about routines, check out my article How To Create The Perfect Routine. 


I think self-care is often overlooked, especially if we have a busy schedule.

But self-care is SO important when it comes to accomplishing our goals and should never be ignored!

Schedule some time in your morning to shower and get ready for the day. Small actions can have a considerable improvement on your mood and overall happiness. 

Self-care can include things like,

  • Taking the time to read a book
  • Sitting outside and enjoying a quiet moment
  • Taking a bubble bath with candles and relaxing music
  • Going on a leisurely stroll
  • Putting on a moisturizing face mask
  • Baking a yummy dessert or making a meal you love 
  • Doing yoga
  • Finding time for nature
  • Giving yourself a manicure 
  • Doing something crafty! Like coloring, sewing, or some other DIY project

These are all great examples of things you can include in your routine to maximize self-care

I always try to include at least 1 self-care task per day! 

Finding happiness in small things like a bunch of yellow flowers.
Happy Yellow Roses


Now it may sound so small, but something as simple as remaining positive throughout the day can have a massive impact on how you feel. Your mindset is heavily influenced by your thoughts.

Our brains are powerful things, and it is far too easy to drag our mood down with negative thoughts and comments. 

It sounds simple, but staying positive isn’t always easy.

This is why I always start my day off with meditation and positive affirmations!

This helps give me an edge as the day progresses and keeps me from breaking down should life throw any curveballs that day. 

There are a few ways to remove negativity from your life,

  • Distance yourself from the negative and toxic people in your life. Negativity IS contagious! 
  • If you don’t have anything nice to say, DON’T say it at all. 
  • Refrain from making a big deal out of the little things.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences and media.

“Be positive. Your mind is more powerful than you think. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.”

– Tony Dungy


This has always been something I have struggled with throughout my life. 

It is so easy to spiral down the rabbit hole of worry and anxiety, allowing them to steal away your happiness. 

How can we remove worry and anxiety from our day?

I think the best way to remove anxiety and worry is to do what we can to prevent those thoughts in the first place. 

Something Mel Robbins The 5-Second Rule taught me is how to replace a negative fear-based thought with something positive before I allow it to consume my thoughts.

To quiet your worries, you might try:

  • Creating a plan for your future and actionable steps to reach those goals.
  • Finding a quiet moment to recite the things you are grateful for.
  • Learning to accept what you cannot change and TAKE ACTION toward what you can.
  • Setting your day up for success! You can set your day up for success by following a routine and self-care plan.
  • Being positive!
  •  Limiting social media. Limiting social media is a great way to remove worry and anxiety.
  • Focusing on a project, something you’ve been wanting to accomplish for a while! This will help you feel fulfilled and give you that little burst of dopamine you need!
Find adventure in the little things when searching for happiness.
Happy Sailing


Now that we have broken down some of the ways to learn to be happy in the moment, it’s time to implement them! 

Don’t waste another second; start small, but just START! Begin your journey to happiness today.

Your mindset is everything! 

Stop doubting yourself, stop dreaming about what your life could be, and make that change you have been so hesitant to make. You never know; it might just change your life. 

Get out there and do! YOU’VE GOT THIS! 

Want to learn more about working for yourself and achieving your best life? 

Stick around for future articles and be sure to SUBSCRIBE for our FREE mind reboot camp, as well as receive an easy printable goal breakdown worksheet! 

What steps do you take to help you live in the moment? What are your biggest obstacles when it comes to achieving happiness? 

Let me know in the comments below! 

Also, be sure to check out our cool new Printable Store, as well as share this article! 

Have a bright day! 


  1. Beth Elkassih | 30th Mar 20

    I always enjoy reading blogs about happiness. You have done a great job sharing these enlightening tips.

    • Lyssa day | 30th Mar 20

      Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Mir | 1st Apr 20

    Stick to routine and self care are always useful
    Good blog , informative and thanks for sharing

    • Lyssa day | 1st Apr 20

      I agree! Thank you! 🙂

  3. Nina | 1st Apr 20

    So many good and useful tips! Thank you! 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 1st Apr 20

      Thanks for taking the time to read!

  4. Krissy | 1st Apr 20

    I Love all of these!! Happiness is something we are in total control of and your article really does a wonderful job of reflecting that. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 1st Apr 20

      Thank you Krissy! I appreciate it. 🙂

  5. Amanda Kerr | 1st Apr 20

    These are all great! I love getting up a bit earlier and not being rushed out the door. Time for myself is always needed! 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 1st Apr 20

      Thank you! 🙂

  6. Joleisa | 2nd Apr 20

    I love any positive posts like this. Just so uplifting. So I’d like to pay tribute to you and others who try your best to make us get through this phase and life in general.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Apr 20

      Thank you! 🙂

  7. Ashley | 2nd Apr 20

    This post is so helpful and I love all of your examples! We always have a choice to make – to be happy or to not be, even though we don’t tend to think of it as a choice. Thanks so much for sharing this!

    Make Life Marvelous

    • Lyssa day | 4th Apr 20

      Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the article.

  8. Mariam | 4th Apr 20

    I love these tips! Practicing gratitude and changing my mindset have been huge in helping me become happier.

  9. Kalli | 4th Apr 20

    I love how you broke changing our perception of happiness down into “I am”, “I can”, “I have”, “I will” – what an awesome exercise! Excellent post, thank you so much. 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 4th Apr 20

      Thank you, that was definitely my goal! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  10. Katherine | 4th Apr 20

    What an empowering article! Loved every single words of this post

  11. TheWellnessVilla | 5th Apr 20

    This is a perfect article for people who are encircled by sadness and don’t know how to deal with it.

  12. Hannah | 13th May 20

    Today is a rough day for me but reading this makes me feel better, thanks!!

  13. Prettysam | 13th May 20

    Very beautiful blog with positive thoughts.👍💛🧡🌺

  14. Abdul Waheed | 13th May 20

    Happiness is not something ready-made. Love your articles really, not all write about this type of topics. Be happy always.

  15. Katrina Crandall | 13th May 20

    Great post, Alyssa! I love your journal prompts. Some of these questions may seem simple at first, but they are truly powerful when we take the time to ask them of ourselves, write them down, and incorporate them into our thinking.

  16. Kathleen | 13th May 20

    Love all these awesome tips! Making time to take care of yourself is really important. And so is quieting your worries! It doesn’t really do anything but add to your stress. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Kari | 13th May 20

    I love the “I will” exercise! Such a good idea!

  18. Lauren | 23rd Jun 20

    Brilliant, thank you ❤️

  19. Hillary | 13th Aug 21

    Oof. I am having such a crappy day and really needed this. Hopefully this can help turn my day around!

    • Lyssa day | 13th Aug 21

      I am sorry to hear you are having a rough day! I am so glad that you enjoyed my article. I hope it helps too! 🙂

  20. Mufidah | 13th Aug 21

    Learning to live in the moment has been a struggle for me but I’m progressing day by day. Thank you for these tips.

  21. Smiley | 13th Aug 21

    Enjoy your life and be grateful, always!

  22. Nkem | 13th Aug 21

    Great post! So uplifting. Perfection is super limiting, so forget that!

  23. Yanitza | 15th Aug 21

    Love it! And yes, the power of ‘I AM’ is can completely shift everything.

  24. Nicole | 9th Feb 22

    Great tips! Thank you so much!!

  25. Jimmy | 9th Feb 22

    i need to practice this more

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