How To Create The Perfect Routine


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What if I told you there was a way to stop feeling like you are suffocating under the pressures of your daily schedule?


Life was chaotic before I implemented a routine. I was stuck, and I was tired.

I remember stumbling home after a long day’s work at my 9-5, exhausted both emotionally and physically.

I would get home, make some sort of frozen dinner for my husband and me before wandering to the couch, where I would plop myself for the remainder of the evening watching TV.

This lack of routine, or bad routine, if you will, caused me to get stuck in a bit of a rut.

My house always fell apart during the week, and self-care went out the window as I continued to pack on the pounds due to my preference for easy frozen meals, fast food, and calorie-dense snacks.

I was working a job that I hated, in a field that I hated, surrounded by toxic people.

I was miserable, and throwing in the towel wasn’t an option. Though that had crossed my mind many times.

Nature to look forward to adding into the perfect morning routine
The Beauty Around Us

It was hard to recognize that I was letting life just happen around me, but once I did, EVERYTHING changed.

I woke up, and I took back my control!

I started by making a list of a few of the goals I wanted to reach in the next 6 months or so and tried to implement at least 1 task a week that would bring me closer to those goals.

I did things like,

  • Walking the baseball diamond after work before driving home.
  • Meal prepping on Sundays so that there were always healthy meals on hand.
  • Doing a quick tidy before leaving for work in the morning.
  • Taking 30 minutes a day to look for a new job, something that would make me happy.
  • Going to bed 30 minutes earlier.
  • Waking up 60 minutes earlier.


Routines are so incredibly important. Having a good routine in place, especially a morning one can set the tone for your ENTIRE day!

A routine is defined as a sequence of actions regularly followed.

I think people often don’t realize how much having a set routine will change their lives.

I know it changed mine! With a proper routine, you should be able to find time for self-care, loved ones, and so much more.

Not to mention, you WILL reach your goals so much faster when actively working toward them each and every day!

Routines help us,

  • Prioritize our goals
  • Get organized
  • Gain a sense of control
  • Find motivation
  • Provides daily structure


A good routine consists of a few things,

  • A still moment where you can meditate or focus on what you would like to accomplish that day. (This would also be a great time to recite positive affirmations.)
  • 1 or more tasks that push you closer to your goals each day.
  • Some sort of physical exercise, whether that’s going to the gym, on a walk, or doing some yoga!
  • Free time, even if it’s only 30 minutes. You must find time to break away and do something you love! Like, read a book, draw, or whatever else might spark joy for you.
  • Having a set bedtime and wake up time.
  • And finally, those less fun tasks that just have to be done each day.

A good routine will be different for everyone.

So it’s important to change things around as you figure out what doesn’t work for you, and more importantly, what does!

Sticking to a new routine isn’t always easy, so give yourself some time. With patience, you WILL get there!


When creating a routine, it is crucial to start your day with your most creative tasks.

Those things that more heavily rely on the right side of your brain, your creative side.

Then, follow those projects up with my more left-brain-heavy tasks.

You will often find that you are the most productive during the first 5 hours of your day, so that is the time in which you should try to accomplish your more creative and analytical projects.

It is essential to create a rigid morning routine and stick to it. Morning routines are the most important.

Having a good morning routine in place sets the mood for the rest of your day!

When creating your routine, it is important to remember to set time limits for tasks.

Not only will this help you manage your time, but this will help you stay focused.

Especially if you have a short attention span like me, having a time limit will help your brain focus on the task at hand because you know exactly how much time you must focus on the current task.

Find your motivation on creating a healthy routine
Creating A Healthy Routine

Steps to creating a routine that supports your goals and priorities:

  • Prioritize your tasks.
  • Find your motivation.
  • Ask yourself, what does your ideal life look like? What will it take to achieve it?
  • Create a schedule.
  • Set aside some time to plan your routine for the week. (I like to plan out my week every Sunday.)
  • Jot down the daily tasks you MUST do as well as the ones you would like to add.
  • Set specific time frames for each task.
  • Stick with it!

Here are some important questions to ask when implementing your new routine:

  • Have I ordered my tasks in the most time-efficient manner?
  • Did I spend time on the things that matter to ME?
  • What have been my biggest roadblocks? Why? What can I do to change this?


What is a necessary task?

I like to call those tasks which must be accomplished but are maybe not something I purposefully scheduled into my day, necessary tasks, though a more common term would be unintentional tasks.

Necessary tasks would be things like:

  • Going to work
  • Getting Gas
  • Picking the kids up from school
  • Feeding pets
  • Etc.

These kinds of tasks may not be the ones moving us closer to our goals each day, but they are still necessary for maintaining our daily flow. (Though going to work and making money is certainly vital for a lot of goals.)


An intentional task is a task that you have purposefully placed in your day to perpetuate yourself closer to your set goals.

Examples of Intentional tasks would be:

  • Meditating for 10 minutes
  • Reciting positive affirmations
  • Going to the gym
  • Writing for 30 minutes
  • Painting for 60 minutes
  • Reading a book
  • Going for a walk, in nature

These are the kinds of tasks that help bring you closer to your set goals. Implementing small daily tasks such as these will have a huge impact when it comes to achieving your dreams and creating your best life.

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily… The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

John C. Maxwell
Keeping things simple and making time for the small things
Making Time For The Small Things


Now that you understand the benefits of a routine, it’s time to actually make one!

Some people like to use a day-timer to plan out every minute, while others like only to assign time frames to larger projects.

I personally love using my bullet journal! Whatever you do, be aware of your time.

Your time is VALUABLE!

Now, write out all of the necessary/unintentional tasks that you must complete each day.

Once you have these tasks lined out, you will have a better idea of where you can fit those tasks that will take you closer to your goals.

Also, don’t be afraid to delegate, part of managing our time properly is delegating when we can.

Now it’s time to create a plan for each day.

Be sure not to overload any one day, you don’t want to risk burnout. It is also imperative that you arrange your schedule in a manner that is the most time-efficient.

Break your day down into morning, mid, and evening. This way, you can better optimize your day.


6:00 AM – Wake up
6:10 AM – Meditate/affirmations
6:20 AM – Shower/self-care
6:50 AM – Nutritious breakfast
7:15 AM – Write
8:00 AM – Gym/workout
8:45 AM – Stretch

I generally listen to an audiobook on audible during my morning routine. This helps me start the day in the right headspace and keeps me motivated! You can check out some of my favorite audiobooks HERE.


10:00 AM – Work
12:00 PM – Lunch
12:30 PM – Walk
1:00 PM – Tidy house/Home improvement project
3:00 PM – Work
4:30 PM – Start dinner
5:00 PM – Eat dinner


5:30 PM – Tidy dinner/dishes
6:00 PM – Nightly self-care regimen
6:30 PM – Media detox
6:35 PM – Nightly affirmations
6:40 PM – Relax/watch tv/read a book
8:00 PM – Sleep

This is an example of what my schedule can sometimes look like.

Working from home certainly has its perks.

A good schedule should evolve as you go, changing to fit your specific needs.

Sometimes each day will call for a slightly different routine. I certainly have days where I am busier than others, and that’s okay. In fact, it’s very normal.

When I was working my 9-5 job, my daily routine looked completely different.

I definitely had a lot less free time in my day.

This resulted in me having to allot smaller amounts of time to my goals, but I still found space to fit in the intentional tasks that were important to me, and you CAN too!

It will take some trial and error, but you will eventually find your groove, and when you do, be sure to stick with it!

Once you have finished outlining your routine, place a copy where you will see it frequently!

Check off the tasks as you go.

There is no better feeling than a completed checklist!

Changing and growing through a routine.
Enjoy The Simple Things


It’s time to put your new routine into action!

Today is a great day to start changing your life. Take notes throughout the week, and don’t be afraid to make changes as you go.

Find what works for you!

As you settle into your new routine, you should notice a shift in your productivity as well as an increased sense of control within your own life.

It’s not always going to be easy, change never is. But I can promise you the results will be well worth it.


Want to learn more about working for yourself and achieving your best life?

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What kinds of things do you like to include in your routine?

What do you find your biggest obstacles are when implementing and sticking to a routine?

I’d love to know. Let me know in the comments below!

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Have a bright day!


  1. Erika Ravnsborg | 15th Mar 20

    It’s hard to come up with a good routine. I’m glad I finally found a post that can help.

    • Lyssa day | 15th Mar 20

      I am so glad I was able to help! Thanks for reading!

  2. Michelle | 15th Mar 20

    This is an amazing post. Really liked it and great tips!

    • Lyssa day | 15th Mar 20

      Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the article.

  3. Sabrina | 15th Mar 20

    I am huge with routine’s if I am not on my schedule my whole day is out of wack. I have two children soo it’s a huge deal for myself and my family. Thank you for sharing11

    • Lyssa day | 15th Mar 20

      Thank you! I agree. Routines make a huge difference, especially with children! Thanks for taking the time to read.

  4. Sara | 15th Mar 20

    This is so important now that the kids are at home. Keeping a schedule is the only thing that is going to keep us sane. Thanks for sharing.

    • Lyssa day | 15th Mar 20

      Thanks for taking the time to read my article. I agree! Routines are especially helpful during unsure times! Stay sane! 🙂

  5. Syedah Shifa | 16th Mar 20

    Following a routine is very important to be more productive and achieve your goals. This post had some wonderful tips to create a perfect routine. Loved it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 16th Mar 20

      I am so glad you enjoyed the article! 🙂

  6. elly | 16th Mar 20

    Establishing a positive daily routine is both a self-investment and a way to do your best for the rest of the world. It also provides additional benefits, such as giving you structure, building forward-moving habits, and creating momentum that will carry you on the days when you feel like you don’t have the strength to carry yourself.

  7. Taija | 16th Mar 20

    Hopefully this will help me create and stick to a routine! Working in car sales, my hours are crazy and I’ve never been able to duplicate days.

    • Lyssa day | 16th Mar 20

      I hope my article will help you too! When your schedule is ever-changing it’s totally okay to create a different routine for each day! If you get your work schedule ahead of time, perhaps consider planning out your days earlier in the week? Thank you for taking the time to read. 🙂

  8. Kels | 16th Mar 20

    All of this is so true!!🙌🏻 I am an absolute mess without my routine, I love to know exactly what’s going to happen, I also just a bullet journal, I’m on my third year of having one&it has changed my life, I don’t know what I’d do without it now!x

    • Lyssa day | 16th Mar 20

      That’s great! I’m fairly new to bullet journaling but I absolutely love it! I don’t know how I lived without one for so long!

  9. Taylor | 17th Mar 20

    Routine gives our days some kind of a structure. Without it our days could just fly away without any thing to account for we?’d be like a twig blown away by the wind I whichever direction. Routine keeps us grounded.

  10. S K | 17th Mar 20

    This is very helpful. I have always struggles with planning my day

  11. Breanne | 18th Mar 20

    Great tips! I really need to get a routine down during quarantine!

  12. Katrina | 18th Mar 20

    Great post! Routines are everything to me. I’m an extremely organized person and without structure to my day, I would fall apart and probably do nothing but watch Netflix and nap. Either before I go to bed or when I wake up, I make a to-do list. I prioritize what needs to get done immediately and I make realistic goals for what I can accomplish during the day. I write everything on my to-do list whether it be an assignment or chores because it makes me feel accomplished to be able to cross things off the list.

  13. Kathleen | 19th Mar 20

    I agree! Having a good routine sure keeps you on top of things and ensures you are making time for the most important things to you. Thanks for the tips! 🙂

  14. Ashley Nichols | 21st Mar 20

    This is such a well thought out article. I have read others about scheduling and they are nowhere near as detailed as yours.

    • Lyssa day | 22nd Mar 20

      Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed my article!

  15. Jen | 3rd Apr 20

    A set routine is definitely lacking in my life right now. It was fine for the first couple of weeks of quarantine, but now I feel scattered. Time to make a change! Thanks for the info!

  16. Lime & Shine | 4th Apr 20

    This is such a great article! I’m definitely going to try this!

  17. Ainsley | 12th May 20

    Love the media detox time! This has been so vital to me getting a better nights sleep, plus my husband and I can spend some time together.

  18. Cori Ramos | 12th May 20

    I’m a big believer in daily routines. The one thing I need to do is pencil in some time for breaks. I have a tendency to sit in front of my computer for hours at a time. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your tips!

  19. Ashley | 8th Feb 22

    This is such a good break down for making a routine that works! It can really be helpful to those who don’t know where to start

  20. Kari | 10th Feb 22

    I love the focus of creating routines that help support your goals. Sometimes it seems that my routines are so boring, like cleaning or grocery shopping. I love the idea of making the purpose goal focused!

  21. Adriane | 11th Feb 22

    Great tips! I am super guilty of running around all day doing things for other people and never taking time for myself.

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