8 Tips For Creating A Simple Life


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Growing up, I had always been a bit of a cluttered soul.

I was the kindergartner whose teacher had to call her parents to come to clean out her desk because it had been so jammed full of scraps of paper and wrappers which tiny me refused to part with.

I loved things. 

My grandmother, who had been raised during the Great Depression, had instilled in me at a young age the importance of stocking up and NEVER throwing things out. 

As a child, the clutter wasn’t so bad. However, it drove my mother absolutely crazy. 

Once married, though, I realized I honestly didn’t enjoy a cluttered, overstuffed space, which became a real problem when we purchased our second home. 

Not only had we inherited a bunch of our parent’s things when they had both moved the year prior, but now we had taken on a home full of the previous owner’s belongings as well, leaving us with three homes worth of stuff. 

On the bright side, we have yet to purchase a single piece of furniture for our home. 

I’m going, to be honest, most of the clutter was banished to the unfinished basement room never to see the light of day again.

Out of sight, out of mind, right?

It wasn’t until I stumbled across Marie Kondos Book Spark Joy that I realized how many things I was holding on to that no longer served me. 

It wasn’t easy, but I slowly began to pick my way through the items inhabiting my home, to simplify what I choose to surround myself with. 

I don’t fancy myself a true minimalist, but I think there are many things we can all learn from the minimalist lifestyle. 

A simple cream couch in a white room. A great example of minimalism.
Keeping It Simple


Simply put, minimalism is having more of what matters. 

This lifestyle is all about living with less, living your life in the moment, and simplifying your day-to-day so that you can experience more and worry less. 

So What are some of the benefits of living a more minimalistic life?

  • A clutter-free home
  • Increased time
  • More financial freedom
  • More energy to spend on the things that matter most


“My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do.”

Francine Jay, Miss Minimalist: Inspiration to Downsize, Declutter, and Simplify

1. Find Your “Why”

As with anything you do in this life, you need to know why you are doing it. What is driving you to make this a lasting change?

Once you have your “why” or your motivation, you can accomplish your new goal like a boss. 

For a more detailed breakdown on discovering your “why,” check out my article 12 Ways To Find Your Motivation. 

2. Obtaining A Minimalistic Mindset 

When making a new life change, it is crucial to develop the proper mindset. Minimalism is all about less is more.

These same simple principles can be applied to your thoughts and mind.

Too often, we allow ourselves to stress over fanciful “What if” scenarios or situations occurring many months from now. 

This sort of behavior isn’t healthy and is quite toxic to living a happy, low-stress life. 

It is essential to take control of what we can and stop stressing over the things which we can’t. 

One of the best ways to take control and cultivate a minimalist mindset is learning to problem-solve creatively. 

This is a skill that I learned a few years ago and has been absolutely life-changing! 

Basically, when presented with any sort of roadblock in life, figure a way around it.

There is usually ALWAYS something more you can do, a different angle to try, or a better plan out there to get you to your goals.

When my plans are dashed, or I am told something isn’t possible.

I simply don’t take that information at face value. I do my research, and I have yet not to find a workaround. 

So be sure to think outside of the box when it comes to problem-solving, but once you have done all you can to fix or help the scenario, then your job is done. 

This includes worrying about it! 

An example of how a minimalist's kitchen would look. Tidy and decluttered.
Minimalist Kitchen

3. Declutter Your Life 

This is probably one of the most critical steps in trying to live a minimalist lifestyle. 

I recommend selecting one area at a time and gathering a few bins to help better organize the items as you go. 

You should have at least three piles of boxes, 

  1. Discard
  2. Donate Or Sell
  3. And Keep

Let’s say you have selected your kitchen drawers, and you have an obscene amount of kitchen utensils. 

This would be a great time to remove most of those utensils, only keeping those you use regularly.

Or maybe you just really hate all of those mismatching utensils, and you are ready for a lovely new set. 

This is totally okay!

Get rid of it all, and make room for the new high-quality utensils. Because let’s be honest, who really needs eight soup ladles?

Take your time and slowly repeat this process throughout your home. 

And don’t forget the counters! 

Clear counters and tabletops are the epitomai of a clean, minimalistic home.

4. Stop Mindless Purchasing Unnecessary Items 

This step wasn’t a factor when it came to cluttering up my home. 

Most of our home’s clutter came from friends and family members, giving us items that didn’t fit our aesthetic and us feeling too badly to throw them out. 

However, I know many do struggle with shopping and needlessly purchasing things. 

Because who doesn’t love a good bargain?

A good rule of thumb is to wait a month, and if at the end of the month you still really feel you need the item, then go ahead and purchase it. 

5. Reuse And Re-purpose 

I haven’t purchased Tupperware in over four years.

And now you are wondering, “what on earth does this have to do with minimalism?” 

I’ll tell you. 

I haven’t purchased Tupperware since before my wedding, and this is because of the “Reuse And Repurpose” rule. 

Whenever we finish up items in our fridge which happen to be housed in glass jars, we always clean and store them. 

At this point, we have like 20 matching pickle jars (yes, we REALLY like pickles).

These jars have been great for canning, leftover storage, pantry organization, and of course, Halloween Potion Jars. 

You know, the important things. 

Point is; there are so many items that we throw out that can be repurposed and reused!

Some examples include,

  • Dryer lint which can be used as a fire starter
  • Food scraps which can be used as compost
  • Cardboard boxes which can be used for storage or cool cat forts

The point is, there is a lot that you can do with the items you already have in your home. 

So get creative!

Photo of minimalist art with a hidden scannable message from Memorytes.
Memorytes Scannable Poster

6. Art And Decorations Should Have Meaning 

I’ll be honest; I have always struggled with decorating my home. I have far too many battling aesthetics and have found that a simple approach is always best. 

Art is a great way to class up your home without over cluttering the space. 

After some searching, I came across the company Memorytes, a company that creates minimalist posters that you can imbed with memories.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

Each photo contains a scannable barcode that can pull up the link of your choice.

My husband and I chose an adorable poster that resembled us and embedded our wedding video.

Now each time we pass by, we can scan the image with our smartphones and relive our special day. 

This poster is seriously one of our favorite art pieces in our home and has such a classy design.

If you are looking for some simple yet meaningful artwork to fill your home, be sure to check them out! 

7. Take Action 

And of course, the most obvious step of all. Take action, get moving, just do it! 

I know this step is easier said than done, but once you get going, it gets easier, I promise! 

“Dreams don’t work unless you take action. The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.”

– Roy T. Bennett

It’s like Dory once said, “Just keep swimming; just keep swimming.”

8. Live In The Moment

This might just be the most essential step when it comes to creating a more minimalistic life.

Minimalism is all about less is more, and reducing stress so that you can enjoy each moment. 

Life is too short to always worry about the little things.

This step has always been a struggle of mine.

Fear of failure has always been a significant roadblock for me when it comes to living in the moment, and it is still something I have to be aware of creeping in each day. 

Focusing on living in the moment has helped immensely when it comes to living my best life. 

There are so many ways to practice living in the moment.

You might try things like,

  • Limiting screen time and social media
  • Spending more time outdoors
  • Meditating
  • Taking up an old hobby
  • Make more time for family

The list can go on and on. 

A lone blooming cactus sitting on a tidy pile of books for minimalism decoration.
Simple Decorations


These eight simple steps are just a few ways you can begin to ease minimalism into your daily life. 

So let’s review the steps,

  • Find your “why.”
  • Change your mindset
  • Declutter your life
  • Stop mindlessly shopping
  • Reuse and recycle
  • Decorate with art that has a purpose
  • Take action
  • Live in the moment

I challenge you to get a piece of paper and explore your “why.” As well as draft a game plan on how you will simplify things in your home. 

Every great accomplishment starts with a plan. 

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Want to learn more about working for yourself and achieving your best life? 

Stick around for future articles and be sure to SUBSCRIBE for our FREE mind reboot camp, as well as receive an easy printable goal breakdown worksheet! 

Also, don’t forget to check out our cute Printable Store!

How do you think living a more minimalist lifestyle would affect your life? Have you already tried minimalism? What did you think?

I’d love to know. Let me know in the comments below! 

Have a bright day! 


  1. Sas | 23rd Aug 20

    My fiancé is the king of creative problem solving and reusing household items for other purposes! He has saved us so much money over the years and he is much more creative than I am. I am so grateful to have him around! I also have been in the process of making all the art for our new house, it is so much fun and is both more meaningful and cost-effective!

    • Lyssa day | 24th Aug 20

      I love that! Creating your own art is awesome!

  2. Adriane | 23rd Aug 20

    Decluttering is huge. I feel so much more at peace when I’m not staring at a bunch of junk.

    • Lyssa day | 24th Aug 20

      SAME! It is so nice to have things organized and tidy.

  3. Kimberly | 24th Aug 20

    I’m pretty good about decluttering. One of my problems is a husband that won’t let go of anything. But I can’t blame it all on him. I’m not much of a shopper, so that helps me a lot. We also moved to a smaller home, which helped. There never seems to be an end to it. I need to take another declutter day.

    • Lyssa day | 24th Aug 20

      That is such an awesome skill to have! I hate the process but love once I am finished. Clutter can certainly creep up on you.

  4. Ashley | 25th Aug 20

    All of these steps are super helpful and thought-out! I think decluttering helps me so much. When I’m in a cluttered environment, my mind is also cluttered.

    Make Life Marvelous

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Ashley! I feel the same way about decluttering! You can tell a lot about my mental state by how tidy and organized my home is.

  5. Summer | 26th Aug 20

    I’m naturally pretty minimalist and I can definitely tell that my stress level goes up if things start to pile up around me. Occasionally life gets super busy and things get stashed instead of gone through until I have to stop everything and Purge!

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      That is awesome Summer! I wish I was more minimalistic naturally, unfortunately I have to really focus on not allowing things to build up. I do always enjoy a good decluttering though!

  6. Hannah Morgan | 28th Aug 20

    I definitely need to apply some of this to my house! Great read.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Hannah! I think we all could use a little more minimalism in our life. I actually went through our home and did a huge purge of all the things we had piled up after writing this article. My house looks so much tidier now.

  7. MH | 28th Aug 20

    I have been putting off throwing out unused clothes for a long time. This article made me put the bag by the door to donate. Thank you for writing this as it is very motivating!

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      That is wonderful! I am so very glad that this article helped! I too did a bit of decluttering after writing this article. It’s crazy how quickly things can pile up without our notice.

  8. Taylor | 28th Aug 20

    Decluttering 100%! Love the tips.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Taylor! Decluttering certainly awesome. I love nothing more than a tidy minimalist space.

  9. Sara | 28th Aug 20

    Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful and in depth post. I’m definitely trying to live more minimally.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Sara! I definitely try my best to make each post heartfelt and informational. I am also working on trying to become a bit more of a minimalist. The hardest part is always starting. You’ve got this!

  10. Jenny Bhatia | 28th Aug 20

    Decluttering to me is almost cathartic to me, I find it such a relief. Then I sell my stuff and stash the cash in a travel fund. I do this once or twice a year, but should do this way more often than that.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      I also find decluttering soothing. It’s such a good feeling to let go of old things that are no longer serving you. I love the idea of selling the things you no longer need for travel funds. I will have to give this a try! My husband and I are currently working on a huge yard sale to get rid of all the items I decided to purge from our home after writing this article. Great idea!

  11. Bryan | 28th Aug 20

    I’m good at periodically clearing out clutter from each room. My one bad habit is continuing to add more stuff. The one good thing is that it’s mostly free stuff- freebies related to blogging and my influencer status. Still, I need to resist and just say no if the free stuff isn’t something I really need.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      That’s hard! Freebies are great. At least you are aware that you constantly acquire new things.

  12. Ana de Jesus | 29th Aug 20

    I have to agree with you. I’m not a minimalist either but sometimes it’s important to let go of things we no longer need in order to declutter our minds. This is something that I struggle with myself.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Yes! The struggle is real. It can be so hard to let go of things that have been with you for some time, but I always find that I am much more creative in a tidy, clutter-free space.

  13. Shetu | 29th Aug 20

    Awesome post! Love all the tips, especially the first one. Finding out why are choosing to become a minimalist makes the process easier and more fulfilling. 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Shetu! I totally agree with you. A lot of people overlook the “why” behind their decisions or goals and it is so hard to stay motivated when we don’t know why we are doing something. Even something as simple as adopting a minimalistic lifestyle requires some sort of motivation.

  14. Anthony Garland | 29th Aug 20

    No one can be more minimalist than myself. Minimalist is my middle name

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      I think that is wonderful. I wish minimalism came more naturally to me.

  15. Navina | 31st Aug 20

    Awesome tips !! Definitely need to apply some of this to my house especially decluttering. Thanks for sharing 👏

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Navina! I think we all could use a litter decluttering now and again. Especially if keeping a busy schedule.

  16. Louise | 31st Aug 20

    I’m the declutter Queen! Simply love making space for new energy xxx

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      That is awesome! I really wish minimalism came more naturally to me. It is something I am working on and have been quite impressed by my progress. Hopefully, I can continue to maintain my newly decluttered space.

  17. Jane Reid | 2nd Sep 20

    The older and busier I’ve gotten, the more I’ve embraced minimalism. We are about to welcome my MIL into our home and are going through another major purge as a result. The less you have, the less you have to maintain and the more time you have to devote to things you want to do. I love how actionable your steps are. Very inspirational!

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Jane! I really appreciate it. I love your mindset! It is so true. The less we have to maintain the more time we can free up for the things that truly matter.

  18. CLARA | 2nd Sep 20

    This post really spoke to me, I have been feeling very claustrophobic with all the “stuff” surrounding us in our home. Limiting our purchases and donating our unused goods are already underway. Thanks

    • Lyssa day | 2nd Sep 20

      Thank you, Clara! I am so glad that you enjoyed the article. I have totally been there as well! It’s great that you have already started decluttering your space. It really is freeing to have a clutter-free space. My husband and I are also in the process of finishing up a major decluttering project. Minimalism here we come!

  19. Amy | 2nd Sep 20

    Love these tips, especially how they’re so actionable! I will definitely be implementing these soon, thanks for sharing!

    • Lyssa day | 3rd Sep 20

      Thank you, Amy! I am so glad that you found the minimalist tips easy to follow. 🙂

  20. Sarah Styf | 2nd Sep 20

    We’ve gotten lazy during COVID, but not buying something unless we have a specific place for it has changed both our finances and our clutter situation.

    • Lyssa day | 3rd Sep 20

      That is such a wonderful skill to have developed! I think we all have struggled with keeping things decluttered during COVID. It is so hard to keep things tidy when we are home all of the time. But this is also the perfect time to clean things out and start living more simply.

  21. Jessica | 5th Sep 20

    Such great advice and tips!

    • Lyssa day | 5th Sep 20

      Thank you, Jessica! I am so glad that you found these minimalist tips helpful.

  22. Kate | 5th Sep 20

    I am a big fan of Marie’s decluttering style and followed her advise some time ago when we moved houses. I think we only realise at the time you need to move how much stuff we own. This is difficult to stop buying things as the temptations are everywhere and every time. But it’s worth trying. Great article, thanks for sharing!

  23. Jen @ JENRON DESIGNS | 17th Sep 20

    This is a great list of to really get organized before the holidays set in, so many great tips!

  24. Christine H | 7th Feb 22

    These are great tips. We do some of these things sone of the time. We could do so much better. I do reuse containers but not as often as we should. I go through spurts of decluttering/donating. But really should/could do much more often.

  25. Dusty | 21st Feb 22

    Great tips! I do declutter often. I am far from being minimalist but everything I have in my home has a purpose or for intentional use. Thanks for sharing a great post!

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