Several Ways To Diversify Your Income This Year


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It’s always a great idea to diversify your income by adding various streams of revenue. 

Once my husband and I started diversifying our income, we felt more in control of our finances and anxiety! 

We were able to find comfort in the fact that should either of us lose our jobs, that we would be okay. Our family would still be taken care of,  maybe just on a stricter budget.

You will notice this trend amongst the wealthiest of people. They always seem to have more than one, even several sources of income. Have you ever heard the phrase “don’t put your eggs in one basket”? 

Not to mention that this notion of different income sources plays on the whole “work smarter, not harder” principle. There are many types of secondary income that can be extremely hands-off. 


There are so many unique and creative ways to bring in extra income, so let’s dive into a few I know and love!


No, seriously! Teaching online or ESL is a fantastic way to earn extra income! Not only can teaching children (or adults depending on the platform) be fun, but also gratifying!

Additionally, The ESL industry has really taken off in the past few years, and the pay is pretty good despite the odd hours! (hours are usually in the mornings and evenings Beijing time).


 I know of several people, myself included, who have been able to make a full-time living off of teaching ESL. I have been teaching with Magic Ears for two years and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Because of the times available for teaching, it makes ESL the perfect job to pair with a 9-5 if necessary! 

To teach ESL, you will need a bachelor’s degree, or at least be currently enrolled in a four-year program for most companies to accept your application. 

You will also need to purchase and complete a TESOL course. This certification is required but simple to pass. 


Now, there are a few different companies when it comes to teaching online, and if you are looking for flexibility, this might be the industry for you!

  • Magic Ears $22-26 per hour 
  • VIP KID $16-22 per hour 
  • Say ABC $15-21 per hour 
  • Dada $14-23 per hour
  • Qkids $16-20 per hour 
  • iTutorGroup $5-24 per hour 
  • Palfish $10-30 per hour 
  • Whales English $18-30 per hour 
  • Gogokid $14-15 per hour 

“Your first investment should be in yourself. Learn new skills. The market can go up or down, but you’ll never lose your skills. This is more true today than ever before. Diversify your skills.”

Salil Jha


Another great way to diversify your income is real estate! Now, getting into real estate can be a bit costly, but it is certainly lucrative. 


Purchasing a rental property is a great way to diversify your income! Especially if you can rent the place out for a little more than the mortgage will cost you monthly. 

Now, there are certainly some pros and cons of owning a rental property


  • It’s a great source of passive income! 
  • Houses or the lots they are on, generally increase in value over time, unlike vehicles, which depreciate. 
  • You can build equity.  


  • Being a landlord can really suck sometimes. Tenants move out without proper notice, miss rent, or don’t take care of the property. It is vital to have funds set aside for moments like these. 
  • Things break and wear down, and you, as the landlord, are responsible for fixing them. 
  • Going back to tenants, some people can be particularly unpleasant. So vet your renters carefully, call references, visit their social media accounts, and use your best judgment! 
Real Estate Investment

Now purchasing an investment property isn’t the easiest way to diversify your income. You will need to have a large sum of money set aside for buying the home and enough to cover costs until it is ready to be rented out.

But, should you have the opportunity and finances to do so, rental properties are a fantastic way to open up more streams of cash flow!


I know this idea might make some of you, cringe. I know I certainly did when my husband first approached me with it. 

We had only been married six months and were on the hunt for our first home. I remember fighting my husband on this. I really didn’t want to share a space with strangers, no matter how financially beneficial the situation.

But finally, I yielded, the thought of financial freedom too tantalizing to resist. 

We had been scouring the market for something with rental potential until finally, we found the perfect home! 

With some work, we were able to turn the basement into a completely separate apartment. Which we were able to rent out for the cost of the mortgage and then some. Because of this, we were able to purchase our second home one year later!

I also know people who rent a single room out in their homes or have an AIR BnB! These are all great ways to bring in more income, but be sure to check with the city before doing so. Some areas have restrictions on these types of rentals. 


The main reason people dive into real estate is to make a quick, yet sizable profit and flipping homes provides just that! 

Flipping a home isn’t easy, it helps if you have some construction experience, but it certainly isn’t necessary. You can always learn as you go! 

Some of the Pros

  • There is the potential to make a significant amount of profit in a short amount of time.
  • You will gain more knowledge about real estate in general.

Some of the Cons

  • There is the potential to lose money due to factors outside of your control, such as unexpected expenses. 
  • You might encounter difficulty selling the property once it’s finished, leaving you to cover the mortgage. 
  • Stress! Flipping a home can be a lot of added stress since there is so much money on the line. 
Kitchen Remodel

House flipping is a little more hands-on than some of the other real estate options, but it definitely provides the opportunity to bring in large sums of income at once. 

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”

Mary Anne Radmacher

Start A Blog!

Believe it or not, starting a blog can be a great way to bring in extra income, though it will be anything but passive income when you first start! 

Starting a blog is an especially fun option if you are passionate about writing! It takes time to grow your following and even more time to start making money doing it. But, with hard work and dedication, it is possible!

There are a lot of free blogging websites for you to get started on, though I do recommend putting a little money into your site if you want to monetize. I am a firm believer in, “You have to spend money to make money.”

Here are a few sites that helped me when starting my blog,


Selling something you have created is an excellent way to bring in more income! There are so many options when it comes to creating and marketing products.

You could,

  1. Create an Etsy account and sell your art online
  2. Sell your photos on sites like Adobe Stock, Shutter Stock, and Alamy!
  3. Write an ebook and self publish!
  4. Create and sell online courses on something you are quite knowledgeable about. 

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities are endless!



A great way to diversify your income is to start your own business! So much freedom comes from working for yourself. Your business can be as hands-on or hands-off as you want it to be!

Start by merely evaluating yourself. What skills do you have to offer? What interests you? How much money do you wish to spend?

Then come up with a business idea! (I know this isn’t the easiest.) A book I recommend, if you are planning on starting a business, is The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. He makes some excellent points, and his book helped me decide what kind of business I wanted to start!

Be sure to do your market research before jumping straight in, and don’t forget to create a business plan!


There are so many options when it comes to widening your financial net! If you have been thinking about starting a new business, getting into real estate, selling your art, or teaching online, stop waiting! I challenge you to take 1 step closer to your goal TODAY!

Your time is precious, and you should value it as such!

Want to learn more about working for yourself and achieving your best life? Stick around for future articles and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our FREE mind reboot camp, as well as receive an easy printable goal breakdown worksheet!

Also, be sure to check out our new STORE

What are the biggest obstacles preventing you from diversifying your income?

How do you think diversifying your income could change your life?

Let me know in the comments below! 

Also, if you enjoyed this article, please give it a share and have a lovely day!


  1. Jenni | 26th Mar 20

    Nice ideas! I have never been happier to be a landlady as I am right now. I’ve had great luck with my tenants and several good years of extra income. Long may it last!

  2. Elaine | 2nd May 20

    A great article with many excellent suggestions for making money. I am retiring this year but am interested in making extra income. Thanks for the tips.

    • Lyssa day | 2nd May 20

      Thank you, Elaine! Congratulations on retiring, that’s wonderful. Investing is always a good option. I am so glad you enjoyed the article.

  3. Rachel | 3rd May 20

    This was packed full of great advice! I love that it was all very grounded and approachable by everyone! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us!

    • Lyssa day | 3rd May 20

      Thank you, Rachel! I am so glad you enjoyed the article. I think people often overlook diversifying their income but it really can make all the difference!

  4. Kyra | 8th May 20

    I totally agree with diversifying your income. I manage my own Etsy Shop as well as a blog too. Great Post!

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Kyra! That’s awesome! Owning a blog and an Etsy shop are great ways to diversify your income.

  5. Caitlyn | 8th May 20

    Seriously so insightful and you can tell you put a lot of thought into this!!

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Caitlyn. I definitely try to put a lot of thought into all of my article. I am so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  6. Heather Ritchie | 8th May 20

    I think that diversifying your income is really important. You never know when one stream is going to dry up so these are some great suggestions!

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Heather! I totally agree. Diversifying income is so important.

  7. Natalie | 8th May 20

    Thanks for sharing this. I love these types of articles because it always seems that I find something new in each of them.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Natalie. I am so glad you enjoyed the article. Diversifying your income is always a great tool to help give one more financial stability.

  8. Lisa Rittenhouse | 8th May 20

    What fantastic ideas! I had never heard of Magic Ears before, so thanks for the info! This is definitely the right time to get a solid stream of income coming in from home.

    • Lyssa day | 8th May 20

      Thank you, Lisa! Magic Ears is great! They are such an awesome company and an excellent way to diversify your income. 🙂

  9. Corinne | 8th May 20

    I enjoyed your post, Alyssa 🙂 I’ve actually done a few of the side hustles you’ve mentioned. I taught on Palfish (they pay really well!) and I’m also a property investor. I have a blog and have sold a few things online for extra cash, too! Diversifying your income is so important in that it gives you financial security – a safety net – for when unfortunate things happen. I must also add that having multiple streams of income boosts your self-esteem and it’s actionable knowledge you can impart to others.

    • Lyssa day | 9th May 20

      Thank you, Corinne! Yes! I agree, not only does diversifying your income provide financial security it also provides a sense of accomplishment. It sounds like you have done a great job of diversifying your income. I haven’t heard of Palfish but I will have to check them out. 🙂

  10. Kaitlyn | 9th Jun 20

    Great article. We have also realized the benefits of diversifying our income. It is actually how we were able to become debt free. And we are now adding new revenue streams. We’ve also done or considered many of the options you listed here. Thanks for sharing.

    • Lyssa day | 12th Jun 20

      Thank you, Kaitlyn! Becoming debt-free is such an amazing accomplishment. Way to go! It just goes to show how powerful diversifying your income really is.

  11. jerry godinho | 10th Jun 20

    as a financial blogger i love your take on everything and agree 100% keep up the great work and great blog

  12. Karie | 10th Jun 20

    Great suggestions! This is something that I am so excited when I see young people thinking of. I didn’t have a clue about it and now that I am almost 50 it’s a reality that I will want to retire soon and if I had started early with multiple streams of income I would be so much closer and ready to retire and travel. I am definitely preaching to my kids and helping them find ways. Start young and you will be so grateful! But like I say better late than never so I am working hard at getting 7 streams of multiple income. Three down four to go! 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 12th Jun 20

      Thank you, Karie! It’s never too early to start preparing for retirement! 3 streams is a great start! My husband and I are currently also at 3 and working hard to cultivate more.

  13. Karin | 10th Jun 20

    Love the 4 hour work week!!! This post is so informative. I’m ready to make some money!

  14. Robyn Jones | 10th Jun 20

    These are great ideas. I am interested in investing in real estate and I have read that there are ways to do so without buying the whole property by yourself but investing as little as $300-500 and getting a share of the profits. I have been waiting for the economy to recover before making this investment. I am so glad to see start a blog in this list since that’s what I have done. I also plan on adding a shop to it, so I am glad to see that make and sell something is on here, too! Thanks for sharing. 😊

    • Lyssa day | 12th Jun 20

      Thank you, Robyn! I have also heard about these investment opportunities and am also waiting for things to get back up and running smoothly again. Yes! Starting a blog is such a great way to diversifying your income as well as creating your own shop. I wish you the best on your journey! 🙂

  15. Maria | 10th Jun 20

    Great article and very resourceful. Diversifying your income is vital to living a comfortable life. I already own a few properties and is by far the best investment I have made. My next goal is to turn my blog into a full-time income and focus on my Etsy shop too.

  16. Britt K | 10th Jun 20

    I’ve heard GREAT things about teaching English online. When I first went back to school and prepared to start my business, I was making extra money online doing transcription work. I loved that it would work around my schedule – I just logged in when I had time to take on some assignments. If anyone is looking for some extra income from home, I highly recommend looking into it!

    • Lyssa day | 12th Jun 20

      YES! I love teaching online and it pairs so well with my free lifestyle. The company I work for allows us to make our own schedules and change them weekly. I have heard of many people doing transcription work but haven’t looked into it much. I might have to do some more research there. Sounds like a good set up. 🙂

  17. Kate | 8th Nov 20

    Hey Alyssa!

    Thanks for sharing. I definitely want to diversify more next year. I love the idea of having a rental, but it seems overwhelming for a newbie. Do you have any additional resources on becoming a renter?

  18. Adriane | 15th Jan 22

    Great ideas! It is a little scary to be dependent on one job for income. If you lose it, it is much more of a blow than if you have multiple income sources.

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