How To Be Productive At Home

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Productivity While At Home

There are so many ways to be productive while at home.

Especially with the surplus of time, the majority of us have been experiencing due to the COVID-19 quarantines.

A lot of fear and anxiety can surround the unknown, but we have been presented with a unique opportunity. 

We can allow ourselves to be consumed by uncertainty and boredom, or we can push forward, be productive, and accomplish our goals!

Why You Should Remain Productive During Quarantine 

Productivity can affect a lot more than just your goals, it can also do wonders on your mental state, especially during a time when our routines feel thrown off. 

Now that being said, it is 100% okay to take a mental health day, to have a day, or to where you relax and do nothing!

We ALL need those days. They play an essential role in our self-care. 

My husband and I try to make it a rule that Saturday and Sundays are for play.

So during the week, we make it a goal to work hard and finish any projects we might have so that we can enjoy a relaxed weekend. 

Tips For Being More Productive While At Home 

Tip 1

Create a stay at home specific routine! 

I can’t stress enough the importance of a healthy routine. Creating a routine will help provide structure and help minimize distractions throughout your day. 

Tip 2 

Implement a self-care regimen or update your current one! 

For some reason, self-care seems to go out the window whenever we are stuck at home. It is times like these when self-care is more important than ever! 

Tip 3 

Find joy in the little things!

Sometimes it is easier to focus on the things we are missing rather than on the things we do have.

But this kind of thinking is counterproductive and destructive to our wellbeing. 

30 Ideas To Be More Productive At Home Everyday

Here are a few ideas to help you remain productive and sane while practicing social distancing. 

Well organized desk to help keep productive.
Create A Clean Space

1. Deep clean/ de-clutter your home

Deep cleaning is an excellent way to spend your time!

It’s something that is often overlooked during a busy 9-5 schedule. 

Cleaning can also provide a much-needed feeling of control, especially during a time where things feel out of our control. 

Plus, who doesn’t love a tidy space?

A great book on tidying your home is Marie Kondos, Spark Joy.

If you haven’t read it already, you really should! 

2. Decorate/revamp old furniture 

Redecorating or refinishing old furniture is a great way to spend your free time!

Why just this week, my husband and I redid an outdated ceiling fan and a few lamps with paints we already had lying around.

3. Bake something

Try your hand at baking!

Baking can be a fun yet relaxing way to pass the time!

Plus, I can’t think of many things tastier than a warm slice of bread fresh out of the oven. 

4. Learn something new

Now is a great time to learn something new! 

  • Start learning a new language! Many free apps aid with learning new languages, such as Duolingo
  • Learn to read music.
  • Learn to play an instrument! There are so many excellent youtube tutorials out there, and the best part is they’re FREE! 
  • Try to code! If you have an interest in coding, do your research! Find a course or watch some tutorials. 

Or hone any other skills you’ve meant to take up! 

5. Take an online class

Everything is online right now! There are so many schools and online courses to choose from. 

6. Go for a walk

Going for a walk is a great way to break up the monotony of being stuck at home all day and is a wonderful way to help increase productivity.

7. Listen to some inspirational Podcasts or audio books

I love listening to podcasts or audiobooks as I work throughout the day! It’s a great way to feel motivated and excited as you accomplish tasks.

8. Set goals and actionable steps to reach them

Sit down and plan out your goals. 

I suggest creating a 5-year plan and posting it somewhere you will see it often.

This way, you will be less likely to lose motivation or fall entirely off the productivity wagon. 

Perfectly organized stack of books and pencils for a productive work space.
Get Organized

9. Start a business

There are so many cool apps and websites out there that can help you start a new business for practically free!

If working for yourself and starting a business is something you have always wanted to do, get started!

Create a business plan and start taking the steps necessary to make your dream a reality. 

10. Implement an at-home fitness routine

An at-home fitness routine is a great way to break up your day and get your blood pumping!

Exercise and movement are essential and should not be neglected. 

There are so many fun ways to implement exercise.

You could, 

  • Go for a bike ride
  • Go for a walk or run
  • Workout alongside a fitness youtube video!

I personally love working out alongside Cassey Ho, on her Blogilates channel on YouTube!

I have been working out to Cassey’s videos for over seven years now, and she never disappoints.

She provides a detailed workout calendar for you to follow, which you can download for free on her website.

Plus, she’s just a fun, bubbly person!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out her channel

11. Pamper yourself

Self-care is important, so make time for you!

Maybe have a spa day or treat yourself to a nice relaxing bath and a good book.

The options are limitless! 

12. Create something artistic

Creating something beautiful can have an extreme boost on our mood and self-esteem.

Plus art can be so relaxing!

You don’t even have to be good at it. You could try your hand at painting or coloring books.

Just have some fun!

13. Craft a reading list

This is a great way to pass the time for all my fellow readers out there.

Reading can provide an excellent escape from reality, even if it’s only for a few hours.

I love creating a space in my bullet journal for checking off books I have read. 

14. Take up yoga 

Yoga is great for the mind and body and can be a simple way to incorporate more movement in your day. 

15. Update your bucket list

Our dreams change as we grow, so it makes sense to go through our bucket lists and revamp them every once in a while. 

Hands typing on laptop to work toward goals.
Create Something New

16. Write a book or some poetry

If you are one of those that enjoys writing, now is a great time to pour your energy and creativity into writing a novel, short story, a children’s book, or pages of poetry. 

Not only is writing a productive way to pass the time when you are stuck at home, but it’s also a fantastic way to stimulate your brain and give back to the community. 

17. Start a journal 

Starting a journal can be an excellent way to keep the boredom at bay! 

Journaling can include so many awesome pages which can help with,

  • Tracking goals
  • Time management
  • Self-care
  • Gratitude 
  • Practicing mindfulness

And if you are one who enjoys keeping a bullet journal, this is also a fantastic opportunity for your artistic side! 

18. Plant or prepare to plant a garden

Planting a garden is a lovely way to pass the time and a great way to get some much-needed vitamin D. 

Not to mention, who doesn’t love homegrown produce?

19. Plan a future vacation

Sometimes you just need a vacation, and right now that just isn’t possible for most of us. 

But even though travel is not a possibility at the moment, we can still totally plan our dream vacations! 

20. Create a vision board

Vision boards are a great way to remind us often of our life goals.

They also can provide us with a creative outlet should we want to get artsy with them. 

I love my vision board!

It’s hung in my office across the room from my desk so that I can see it every day as I work. 

Such a powerful motivator! 

21. Wash and deep clean your car

It’s a great feeling to hop into a freshly cleaned car and something that isn’t regularly on most to-do lists. 

22. Sharpen your cooking skills

Cooking is an excellent skill to develop!

There are so many recipes and cooking tutorials out there to follow. 

Try recreating an elaborate meal and sitting down to a nice dinner with your family. 

A tray of elegant toast created by trying something new in the kitchen and using time productively.
Explore A New Skill

23. Attend Hogwarts

Yes, you heard me right. 

All you Harry Potter fan’s dreams have finally come true!

Hogwarts Is Here allows for you to enroll in school, and enlist in classes with actual assignments and professors!

So join the fun!

24. Virtually tour museums 

A lot of museums are offering free virtual tours right now!

This is a super awesome, educational way to spend your time at home during the quarantine. 

25. Create a plan to pay off all debt and to put away savings

Creating a financial plan can illuminate unneeded stress and anxiety.

Having an exact plan will allow you to see exactly where you stand and the steps needed to progress. 

26. Create a virtual book club

A lot of us are craving social interaction right about now, and creating an online book club is a great way to engage and interact with friends while practicing social distancing.

Platforms like zoom and discord provide excellent meeting grounds for events such as these. 

27. Learn about the stock market 

If you have ever had an interest in investing in the stock market but just haven’t had the time to do the proper research, your time is now! 

28. Start a YouTube channel

Not only can starting a youtube channel be a productive way to spend your time if you’re bored, with some hard work and time, it can also provide a little extra income. 

29. Create a travel bucket list 

Create a list of all the places you want to visit to help keep you motivated. 

I love looking over my travel bucket list on days I’m feeling discouraged. It helps remind me that my hard work will pay off. 

A bright room in a museum that you can tour virtually or travel to.
Virtual Exploration

30. Play online games with family 

There are so many awesome family-friendly game apps on the market right now.

Currently, my favorites are Tabletop Simulator and Jackbox TV.

Tabletop Simulator is an excellent online program that allows you and friends to play pretty much ANY board game you would like!

Jackbox TV is a super fun program that can be played on your phones and cast to another device such as the tv via a streaming program. 

Both are seriously so fun and an excellent way to connect with friends and loved ones during the COVID-19 quarantine. 

In Closing

This newly found free time doesn’t have to be tedious or stressful.

Take control of what you can, and make peace with what you cannot. 

I challenge you to practice filling your days with a few productive tasks, things you have wanted to do, something that will bring you joy, and see how you feel. 

Each day is precious, we only get one today, so fill it with things that will make you happy and set your life up for success.


Want to learn more about working for yourself and achieving your best life? 

Stick around for future articles and be sure to SUBSCRIBE for our FREE mind reboot camp, as well as receive an easy printable goal breakdown worksheet! 

What are some things you like to do to stay productive when at home?

What seems to be the biggest obstacle you face when it comes to productivity? 

I’d love to know. Let me know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to give it a share! Also, don’t forget to check out our cute printable STORE!

Have a bright day! 


  1. Rachel | 27th Apr 20

    What a smart list! There are so many great ideas on here, I am definitely going to check out that tabletop simulator! Thanks for sharing!

    • Lyssa day | 27th Apr 20

      Thank you Rachel! Tabletop Simulator is great! My family loves it. We have been playing it so much over the past month! 🙂

  2. Audrey | 27th Apr 20

    Your first point is so important! I find myself much more productive in a clean, decluttered home than when there are dirty dishes in the sink!

    • Lyssa day | 27th Apr 20

      Thank you, Audrey. I agree! Having a clean home makes all the difference when it comes to productivity!

  3. Carolyn | The Organic Gypsy | 27th Apr 20

    Great list… gosh! Did not realise just how necessary it was to read this. Routine is so important to keep one a little sane during this time. I find I am so unproductive lately. I have found a few things I can’t wait to implement and action from your list! Thank you.

    • Lyssa day | 27th Apr 20

      Thank you Carolyn. I am so glad you found the list helpful. I wish you luck with your routine! 🙂

  4. Ainsley | 28th Apr 20

    I love so many of these! It’s great that you combine super productive with some really fun stuff!

    • Lyssa day | 28th Apr 20

      Thank you, Ainsley! I am so glad that you enjoyed the list! I think too often people think of fun as not productive and that really isn’t the case. Fun is just as important for productivity too!

  5. Amanda Kerr | 28th Apr 20

    These are great! It definitely has been challenging! My husband and I recently just bought a house, so that kind of takes us away from thinking about the virus. We will sure we busy in May! hah!

    • Lyssa day | 28th Apr 20

      That’s so exciting! Having something to pour your time and productivity into is awesome, especially during times like these.

  6. Rebecca @ Busy Mom Smart Mom | 28th Apr 20

    Love these tips! Staying productive can be so challenging when you’re home all the time, especially with kids.

    • Lyssa day | 28th Apr 20

      Thank you, Rebecca! I totally agree!

  7. Britt K | 28th Apr 20

    I was so excited to find out that Moz Academy is offering all of their courses for free until the end of May. I have been wanting to really dig into SEO for my blogging, and this has been the perfect opportunity. While I’m taking my time going through it (getting a lot of other things done throughout the day as well), the courses have really helped to boost my feeling of being productive during this time!

    • Lyssa day | 28th Apr 20

      Thank you, Britt. Taking courses is a great way to stay productive! I haven’t heard of Moz academy but I just googled them and that’s way cool! I might have to take this course as well. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Karen | Online Blog & Business Help | 28th Apr 20

    Great productivity list! I think routine is an especially helpful tip. Especially for parents who are still working from home. I’ve been soaking up the extra time with my daughter, baking, and like you said, finding joy in the little things 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 29th Apr 20

      Thank you, Karen. That’s wonderful! Family time is so important.

  9. Kathleen | 29th Apr 20

    Wow, lotsa things to do definitely! 🙂 No one should say they are bored. Haha. I liked the decluttering and playing games with family! It’s definitely nice to spend quality time with loved ones. 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 29th Apr 20

      Thanks, Kathleen! Family games and Decluttering has been a lifesaver for me. I don’t generally enjoy cleaning but tidying has been a wonderfully productive way to fill my time and it leaves me with a clear space.

  10. Jen Towkaniuk | 29th Apr 20

    I’ve been updating my bucket list daily! I can’t wait to get out there and do the things I’ve put off, since tomorrow is never guaranteed. Also taking some courses and learning some new things. Every closed door presents an opportunity to grow. Love your list. Gave me some new ideas to implement as well.

    • Lyssa day | 29th Apr 20

      Thank you, Jen. Wow, that is so awesome! Bucket lists are so important and so is furthering your education! This is the perfect time to take some classes.

  11. Charlene | 29th Apr 20

    great list to sat on track

    • Lyssa day | 29th Apr 20

      Thank you, Charlene. I’m glad you enjoyed the list!

  12. Chelsea | 29th Apr 20

    This is a great post! I am bookmarking it and sharing it! That is awesome about the free virtual tours from the museums! Great way to squeeze in some screen time while doing school work with the kids.

    • Lyssa day | 29th Apr 20

      Thank you, Chelsea. The tours are such a great learning experience, especially for children. 🙂

  13. Ayomipo | 30th Apr 20

    These are such great tips lyssa. Thank you so much for them. I am definitely going to be sharing them with my friends

    • Lyssa day | 30th Apr 20

      Thank you, Ayomipo. I am so glad you enjoyed the list! 🙂

  14. Tina Borelli | 30th Apr 20

    Amazing reminders and tips all around!! Especially love the sticking to a routine part. That was SO hard for me the first couple of weeks but I feel so much better with one now.

    • Lyssa day | 30th Apr 20

      Thanks Tina! I agree, routines are a great way to help you stay productive. I had a similar experience with struggling to stick to my routine the first week or so of being home, but now I’m on track! 🙂

  15. Kara | 30th Apr 20

    These are some really great ideas and much needed during these times. Thanks so much for writing this article 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 30th Apr 20

      Thanks, Kara. I am so glad you enjoyed the article!

  16. Jadyn | 30th Apr 20

    Great ideas! My favorite is the vision board! I’ve wanted to do one forever…I guess now would be the perfect time!!

    • Lyssa day | 30th Apr 20

      Thanks, Jadyn! Totally! Now is a wonderful time to create a vision board. I love mine and it has helped me stay productive and stick to my goals much more closely.

  17. Pubali | 30th Apr 20

    Such a comprehensive list! Totally agree with you that this newly found time doesn’t need to be tedious or stressful, instead we can make the best utilization of this time if we plan well.

    • Lyssa day | 30th Apr 20

      Thank you Pubali! Yes! Using our time productively is so important and now is an excellent time to tap into our creativity and make our goals happen!

  18. Rachel | 30th Apr 20

    This is a great list!

  19. Johnny | 1st May 20

    Such a long list with a lot of creative ideas! I quite like the idea of having vision boards in my room. If not then maybe have a big whiteboard and stick it up somewhere. It’d be a lovely way of getting my creative juices flowing by brainstorming ideas and thoughts. Keep safe and sane 🙂

    Johnny | Johnny’s Traventures

    • Lyssa day | 1st May 20

      Thanks, Johnny! I am so glad you enjoyed the article. A whiteboard would be an awesome idea to help you keep track of your goals!

  20. gene | 2nd May 20

    Dam really good list alyssa, dont really have an excuse to be ljke “uh what do i do?” Hahah thanks!

  21. Sarath | 9th Nov 20

    Great list. Especially I liked the learning something new and setting a goal part. They will definitely help us to improve in life.

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