How To Create The Best Bedtime Routine

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After a hard day of work, it is easy to toss aside structure and sink into your couch for the evening. 

It might feel easier after a long day, but this will only hinder your productivity and growth. 


Creating and sticking to an evening routine has always been the hardest for me. 

I used to struggle with my self-discipline whenever the littlest bit of exhaustion would creep in. 

I would do well during the day, sticking to a strict schedule, but once I walked in the door, all structure went out the window. 

Instead of properly winding down from the workday, I would opt for sitting on the couch, scrolling endlessly through social media until it was time to sleep.

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.”

-Leo Babauta

This resulted in me feeling restless and stressed when it came time to lay down and actually close my eyes. 

Thus, taking me down the path of very long sleepless nights. 

The lack of sleep seemed only to compound my stress, further agitating my mind and body each night.

This bought of Insomnia felt like it had hit out of nowhere.

I felt frustrated and even began noticing a very sizeable dip in my performance at work, as well as struggling with sticking to my daily routine. 

I wasn’t giving myself proper time to process the events of the day and calm my mind and body. 

Create a calming soft environment for a better nights sleep.
Find Time For You


I did some research, finally fed up with my lack of sleep and what I presumed to be laziness. 

I realized that I was doing evenings ALL wrong!

Anything you probably shouldn’t do before bed, you name it, I was doing it! I felt like a complete idiot. 

How had I learned to master my mornings, yet be so horribly off base during the evening? 

That was easy. I lacked structure. 


A good evening routine doesn’t have to be complex.

It can be quite simple.

An evening routine’s job is to help you settle and de-stress from the events of the day. 

There are many benefits to implementing a good bedtime routine, such as: 

  • Improved quality of sleep 
  • Better productivity during the day
  • More energy
  • Heightened brain function 
  • Lower stress levels


Step 1

Have a clear and CONSISTENT bedtime.

You need to create lasting habits. Which generally takes about 21 days. Just like with anything in life, consistency is critical.

Step 2

Create and follow a nightly hygiene regimen. 

Self-care is essential, and feeling clean and papered before bed can help you fall asleep more quickly and soundly.

A good hygiene regimen might include things like, 

  • A warm bath or shower (I like to listen to relaxing nature sounds during this time to help me unwind)
  • A cleanly washed and moisturized face
  • Brushed teeth
  • Brushed hair that has been placed up or braided for the night
Why self-care is important in reference to having a good nightly routine
Treat Yourself

For a more detailed description of self-care, check out my article Why You Should Practice Self-Care.

Step 3

Unplug. I’m sure you hear this one a lot. But it is so true!

You should remove social media and all forms of electronics at least 30 minutes before bed. 

I even go so far as to putting my phone on silent mode and plugging it in across the room. 

Step 4

Clear your mind! 

There are many ways to find a peaceful state of mind before bed. You could try,

  • Yoga/stretches
  • Meditation
  • Reciting positive affirmations
  • Journaling
  • Listing the things for which you are grateful for

This step doesn’t need to take long. 

It doesn’t matter if this step takes you 3 minutes or 10; you should see a difference in your mindset. 

The great part about routines is that they are entirely up to you! 

Step 5 

Create a proper atmosphere.

Creating the right atmosphere for bedtime is crucial for a good night’s rest. Setting the mood for a good nights sleep might include things like,

  • Turning down the thermostat. Studies show that it is easiest for the human body to sleep between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Create a tidy sleeping space. Basically, clean your room! 
  • Optimize comfort, i.e., mattress, sheets, pillows, and comforter. Also, if you don’t own a weighted blanket, I suggest you try one!
  • If you are a light sleeper, try playing some sort of noise machine or fan on to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Find time for something calming like reading a good book.
A Quiet Moment

Step 6

Read a book! Nothing like a good novel to help you forget your worries and soothe you to sleep.

Look for works that will inspire or uplift you. 

What kinds of material you consume the night before you will take into your morning. 

Here are a few self-help books I recommend to leave you feeling inspired,


Now that we have established things we might want to include in our nightly routine, it is time to map it out! 

Sit down, write it out and place it somewhere you will see it! 

Block out your time and design your evening routine in the most time-efficient manner. 

Rember, it’s okay if you want to schedule a time to watch a movie or play a game with the family. 

“A day unplanned is a day easily wasted”


Just set a start and end time to keep yourself on track. 

If you need a little more help on breaking down and setting up a routine, check out my article, How To Create The Perfect Routine.  


I challenge you to take a look at your current routine today! Are you getting the most out of your evenings? Are you setting yourself up for success? 

Take the time to write out your routine.

Add those things you should be doing, and remove those things that may be harming your productivity


Want to learn more about working for yourself and achieving your best life? 

Stick around for future articles and be sure to SUBSCRIBE for our FREE mind reboot camp, as well as receive an easy printable goal breakdown worksheet! 

What kinds of things do you include in your nightly routine?

What are your biggest obstacles when it comes to sticking to an evening routine? 

I’d love to know. Let me know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to give it a share! Also, don’t forget to check out our new printable STORE!

Have a bright day! 


  1. Tiziana Olbrich | 12th Apr 20

    Such a great post Alyssa!! Always good to remind each other on how to improve our good habits such as the morning and night routines 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 12th Apr 20

      Thank you! 🙂

  2. Surabhi Kaushik | 13th Apr 20

    Loved this post. We often do not realize how important it is to have a bedtime routine and having one can enhance our productivity through the day.

    • Lyssa day | 13th Apr 20

      Thank you! I completely agree, evening routines are so important and often overlooked.

  3. Abdul Waheed | 13th Apr 20

    Thanks for sharing this very well written article. I will definitely apply your suggestions as my sleeping routine is really bad. only few hrs I sleep daily.

    Thanks again

    • Lyssa day | 13th Apr 20

      Thank you! I wish you luck with your bedtime routine!

  4. Ashley | 13th Apr 20

    This is a fantastic post! I haven’t locked down a good evening routine, even though I do have a solid morning routine – so I can relate to you! I’ll definitely use your post as guide for getting a great evening routine together! 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 13th Apr 20

      Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the article!

  5. Elizabeth Elkassih | 15th Apr 20

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. Yes I do believe establishing a nighttime routine is essential for healthy living. Thanks for sharing.

    • Lyssa day | 15th Apr 20

      Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the read. 🙂

  6. Carolina | 15th Apr 20

    This was so useful!! Really needing a post like this!!

  7. Adriane | 15th Apr 20

    Oh how I needed this! I think what I need to do is write down my actual routine using your tips. It’s just so hard after momming all day to three intense boys. I know I’m more productive if I wake early though versus staying up late. Thanks for the tips!

    • Lyssa day | 15th Apr 20

      Of course! Routines aren’t always easy to stick to, especially with littles but they can certainly help. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  8. Morgan | 15th Apr 20

    Love this! Not unplugging is something I am guilty of – you gave me lots to think about. Thank you!

    • Lyssa day | 15th Apr 20

      I’m glad you enjoyed the article! 🙂

  9. Ashley | 15th Apr 20

    For me, I love listening to documentaries, spooky podcasts (yes, I know it seems odd) or relaxing flute+rain music before bed. But alas I suffer from mixed insomnia and sometimes one thing wont help for a period of time. They say to read before bed but unless its technical reading thrn I stay awake. Lol thats why I dont do it. Thats day time stuff for me. But so do take my meds at around the same time. Use my noise machine bc I dislike outside noise.

    • Lyssa day | 15th Apr 20

      That’s great! You’ve gotta do what works for you! I also sometimes listen to spooky documentaries but my husband hates when I listen to murder mysteries before bed.

  10. Kathleen | 15th Apr 20

    Thanks for this post! I do agree with having a routine. I do most of the things you’ve listed here and they definitely help me settle in for some zzzs. 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 15th Apr 20

      That’s awesome! Finding a nightly routine that works for you is the best! 🙂

  11. Ashly Edmiston | 16th Apr 20

    These are great tips! I will probably be incorporating a lot of these into my nighttime routine!

  12. Allie | 17th Apr 20

    Great post. My nighttime routine is something I have been trying to work on. Incorporating meditation and removing the social media are two things that I have tried but I think I need to spend some more time clearly mapping out what I want the routine to be and commit to sticking to it.

  13. Desiree at Fitmomology | 17th Apr 20

    This post has been so helpful! I’ve been needing to revamp my nighttime routine for a while now. Thank you!

  14. Jen | 17th Apr 20

    Great tips! I’m really bad about unplugging, but I want to work on that!

  15. Cortney | 18th Apr 20

    As I read the beginning, I thought I was reading about myself. Loved this, thank you. Never thought of starting a bedtime routine. But now I see how important it is.

  16. IVI | 18th Apr 20

    Great post! I personally love the ways to reaching a peaceful state of mind before bed. I am currently trying with meditation and yoga stretching before going to bed. I really need a good sleep 💤

  17. TheWellnessVilla | 19th Apr 20

    It is very important to have a night time routine like this one to sleep peacefully. It takes only some time to do so for healthy sleep. Thanks for sharing. xx

  18. Glenda | 23rd Apr 20

    This is so helpful! As a momma of 2 I find it hard to have a consistent bedtime lol. But this post reminds me to take good self-care before bed, thank you!

    • Lyssa day | 24th Apr 20

      Thank you! Self-care is so important. I am so glad you enjoyed the article!

  19. Vanessa - Existence as I Know it | 14th May 20

    Great post! I’ve been struggling with creating a nighttime routine for a while now. I want to sleep better. I will follow some of the tips! Thank you for sharing!

  20. Julianne | 29th May 20

    Thank you for this post! I think a consistent bedtime is so important! While in quarantine my bedtime has been all over the place and this reminded me I need to change that. I also second the weighted blanket! Mine is one of my favourite sleep hacks.

  21. Celeste | 24th Feb 21

    Super helpful posts! Most people simply focus on morning routines, but it’s so important to have a bedtime one too! I love that you mentioned mapping it out because in order to keep these new habits you should definitely have it written down. It’s hard to form any habit without having a reminder of it

    • Lyssa day | 25th Feb 21

      Thank you, Celeste. I truly do believe that goals are our life maps and without mine, I would be completely lost.

  22. Diane | 9th Sep 21

    Great post packed with actionable steps. I’ve always been great at creating a routine around. my morning, but definitely less so around the evening so I found this super useful.

  23. Cheryl | 9th Sep 21

    Thank you for sharing these tips. I found it very helpful and look forward to trying some of the techniques.

  24. Jen @ JENRON DESIGNS | 10th Sep 21

    This is a great post, I think the key is consistency as you mentioned. In the world today so many things are not consistent so to have a firm bedtime should be a non negotiable with your kids.

  25. Jenny | 10th Sep 21

    I really like meditation but tend to fall asleep during it LOL 😉

  26. Viano | 10th Sep 21

    This is one thing I need to take seriously.

  27. Scout | 9th Nov 21

    This is great – and perfect timing, too, as some of us may be thrown off by the time change 🙂

  28. Hanna | 10th Dec 21

    This is a great reminder on a very important topic that most people don’t think about !thanks for sharing this x

  29. Taylor | 11th Jan 22

    Thanks for sharing!!

  30. Adriane | 3rd Feb 22

    This is so important. I find myself scrolling on the phone way longer than I should, then I can’t get out of bed the next morning.

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