The One Key Skill You Need To Reach Your Goals Effectively

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As children, we are often encouraged to think outside of the box, to solve our problems creatively. 

However, as we grow and are introduced to the many rules of life, continuing to develop or even maintain this skill gets much harder.

We are encouraged more and more to fall into a uniform way of thinking and not to question the rules. 

I am in awe by how many adults I run into who simply give up at the slightest sense of resistance. 

They are quick to accept defeat instead of searching for a better way, even when it comes to an important goal or dream. 

Growing up, I wasn’t a very good problem solver. 

My solution to most things was to tell my mom and have her fix them. She was good at fixing things, and I never felt the overwhelming need to learn to fix problems myself.

However, once I moved out, I quickly realized what an important skill I had chosen to neglect.

I had no idea how to do anything, like ANYTHING

It also didn’t help that I was a chronic people pleaser at my young age and very rarely questioned people who were my senior for fear of offending them.

So when I was told a goal or dream of mine wasn’t possible, I accepted that they were probably right and moved on.

It took a few years for me to mature and start to question things and learn to solve each roadblock that came my way creatively.

But once I did, my life seemed to take off in the right direction. 

Here are two major examples of how using creative problem solving changed the narrative for my goals. 

A light bulb being held up into the sky to signify creative problem solving.
Thinking Creatively

Example 1

When my husband and I were preparing to purchase our second home just one year after acquiring the first, we ran into a couple of roadblocks.

The first one being, when we initially approached the mortgage company, we were simply told NO, we were much too young, it would be practically impossible at our young age. 

And at first, we accepted this defeat. 

But luckily, I had just started a book called “The 5 Second Rule,” and I decided to take Mel’s advice and try again. 

So we called another company, and you know what? 

They told us they could help us purchase the home, but it would take them three months to do so. (There were a lot of obnoxious loopholes to jump through with my husband being self-employed and all.) 

Now, this was great news!

But the home we wanted would have likely been sold before we could gather all of the necessary paperwork.

So we called back the first company (who we had our first home through) and simply explained that the second company told us the purchase was in fact possible.

They put us on hold, and after a few moments, they came back on the line and told us they could push the paperwork through in just under a month!

If we had just accepted our first answer, we NEVER would have purchased our second home. 

Example 2

Writing down creative ideas to better problem solve.

I was working as a medical assistant and had begun to grow weary of the field. I just wasn’t passionate about the work and often left feeling stressed and drained. 

I realized something needed to change.

I hated my time being stolen away. The best hours of my day were spent working for someone else, and that seriously pained me. 

I began researching work from home jobs with little luck. Until one day, a good friend of mine posted about an online teaching opportunity. 

I was intrigued. So I began studying up on the company and the world of ESL. It seemed like it would be a great fit. 

So over the next three months, I began preparing for the interview process. I seriously studied for hours. 

My husband decided that he too needed a change and would also apply with me. So we submitted our interview videos and waited.

A few days later, we both received an email from the company. My husband read excitedly aloud his acceptance letter. 

Then it was my turn. The letter read something like “we are sorry to inform you… you are not a good fit at this time… you can apply again in three months”.

I was devastated. My husband had winged the whole freaking interview, and I had planned out each moment meticulously and had been rejected. 

So I took some time to wallow in my self-pity, but after a few days, I had resolved to apply again in three months. 

So I continued to prepare, and after three months, I reapplied. This time I opted for a live interview. 

And you know what? I got in. 

I was able to quit my 9-5 to work from home, and I have now reached the highest rank within the company. 

If I had just accepted that I might not be a good fit for the company, I would probably still be trapped working a job that I hated. 


You will notice that the most successful people in life have mastered the skill of creative problem-solving. 

Learning to think outside of the box will help you with things like,

  • An improved sense of confidence and self-worth
  • A sure-fire path to achieving your goals


“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”- Abraham Maslow

Think creatively and problem solve.
Think Outside The Box

Step 1


When working toward solving a problem, we must understand that a solution to our problem DOES exist and we have only to find it. 

It may take some hard work, but it IS possible! 

Step 2


Questioning is a massive part of being able to solve and completely understand a problem. It is essential that we question everything until we understand each tiny detail.

This allows us better insights into the actual problem, thus pushing us closer to our desired solution. 

Step 3 


It is time to step outside of the box. When it comes to solving your problem, no solution is too outlandish! 

Brainstorm! Create multiple answers to your problem from which you may choose. 

Step 4 


Brain dumping is such a fantastic tool and should definitely be utilized to solve one’s problems. 

Start by writing out as many details about the situation as possible and then listing possible solutions even if they may seem difficult or improbable.

This will help you remain more organized as you sift through possible solutions for your problem. 

Write down your ideas to better map out your goals.
Getting Organized

Step 5 


If you don’t know how to do something, look it up! It is the 21′ st century. There is seriously no excuse for you not to be able to figure something out. 

There are articles about everything! 

If my husband can teach himself how to code from watching youtube videos, you can learn how to do ventriloquy or whatever it is you want to do! 

So look it up and start developing that new skill! 

Step 6 


When it comes to solving a problem and creating the life you have always wanted, it is crucial to understand all of the facts.

This is what makes doing your research so important! We must learn to think critically! 

I always keep an excel spreadsheet full of notes on articles I have read that are relative to my goals, and I am sure to refer back to it often. 

So be sure to do your homework! 

Step 7 


Once you have brainstormed and have created a few plans of attack, it is time to narrow the list down to the most viable options. 

Take the time to weigh the pros and cons of each option.

I would suggest bouncing your ideas off a trusted family member or friend! Constructive feedback is an excellent way to help fine-tune your creative problem-solving skills. 

Step 8 


Like seriously, stop accepting the word “no” as a viable answer to your goals.

Keep digging, keep searching, because there is a solution; you just haven’t found it yet. 

We may have to take a different path than expected to arrive at our end goal, but hey, at least we get there! 

When you stop accepting defeat your ideas and goals will grow.


“It is better to solve one problem five different ways than to solve five problems one way.” – George Pólya

Now that we have all the necessary tools for solving any difficult problem, it’s time to try them out. Start with something small and work your way up to the big ones.

Always remember, there is a way; you just might not have found it yet. 


Also, be sure to SUBSCRIBE for our FREE mind reboot camp series and receive an easy printable goal breakdown worksheet! 

You can also check out some of our cool new printable’s at our STORE. 

How are you at creative problem-solving? What are some ways in which thinking outside of the box has helped you reach your goals? 

I’d love to know! 

Have a bright day! 


  1. Louise | 6th Oct 20

    When in doubt, write it out! love it! and so so true! I love writing, even just blog posts! it gives me time to get all the things outta my head!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Lousie! I am so glad that you found this article helpful! Same! Writing is so therapeutic. If it doesn’t get written down it really doesn’t happen for me.

  2. Ashley | 6th Oct 20

    Love your unique take on reaching your goals, Alyssa! Fantastic post!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thanks, Ashley! I definitely have an “out of the box” way of looking at things, but it has certainly paid off for me and I am always happy to share. 🙂

  3. Joe @ Mini Riches | 6th Oct 20

    Creative problem-solving skills are crucial for any job! I’m a huge fan of Google and YouTube. I’ve learned how to build our blog almost entirely from YouTube! 😀

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      That is amazing Joe! I did the same. It took me a few months of research but I am proud to say that I built my blog myself (well mostly myself, my husband helped quite a bit with the coding). It just a good feeling to learn a new skill. 🙂

  4. Cherie | 7th Oct 20

    Wonderful advice and great products here to I will definitely check them out and make a note of your suggestions!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thanks, Cherie. I am so glad that you found them helpful!

  5. Andrea | 7th Oct 20

    These are such great suggestions. I love to do a brain dump also, it’s my favorite way to think through options and ideas!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Andrea! Same! “Brain dumping” is seriously the best! I wish I had known about it while in school. It would have made things so much easier.

  6. Abigail@AbigailJane | 7th Oct 20

    Love these tips! I can always use some extra inspiration and motivation towards my goals. Especially with the new year approaching so quickly!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you! I think we can all use a little push towards our goals right now with the new year fast approaching and creative problem solving is a great way to help you reach your goals. 🙂

  7. Nishtha | 7th Oct 20

    Great post! Agree that creative problem solving helps in every day life and in long run. Love your daily examples, great motivation

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you so much Nishtha! I am so glad that my examples were helpful. Creative problem solving has been such a positive in my life and I want to share it with as many people as possible.

  8. Viano | 8th Oct 20

    Great read. Sometimes we accept things the way they are without even realizing that we can create the change we desire. At some point in our lives, we’ll need to “get out of the stupid” box.

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Viano! So well put! I totally agree. The first step is realizing we must be the change we desire to see in our lives.

  9. Joe @ Mini Riches | 8th Oct 20

    Great post! Never take no for an answer!

    “Goals are dreams with workbooks on!” —Dave Ramsey

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you! I love this quote a lot. Dave Ramsey has a lot of good ones.

  10. Jennie | 9th Oct 20

    These are great tips, and I think #8 is key. Most people just stop there.

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Jennie! Totally, too many of us walk away from our goals or dreams at the slightest bit of resistance. It’s a learned habit, one we must learn to break and push past if we wish to reach our goals. 🙂

  11. Alyssa | 16th Oct 20

    Wow, I love this! Especially about not accepting defeat! Recently I’ve had to push myself through some defeats, and it’s been hard. Thanks for the reminder!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you so much! It’s never easy but continuing to push forward toward our goals is always worth it. So glad that you found this article helpful! 🙂

  12. Libbie | 16th Oct 20

    These were great tips! I agree that we need to acknowledge we are not always taught problem-solving skills and must teach ourselves!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Libbie! Yes, I know growing up, problem-solving just wasn’t something I generally had to do, so as an adult it took some time to develop that much-needed skill. You are never too old to learn something new or change your life. 🙂

  13. Charline | 16th Oct 20

    I love these tips! They are very helpful to achieving what you want.

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Charlie! I am so glad that you enjoyed my steps to mastering creative problem solving. 🙂

  14. julie | 16th Oct 20

    I enjoyed reading about your experiences and your perseverance! I think too many people get stuck in a job and are afraid to get out of the box, for fear of the unknown. This is a very motivational post!

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Julie! I am so glad that you found my life experiences helpful. I totally agree, fear can freeze us in place, and staying stagnant can be just as detrimental as backsliding.

  15. Kierra | 16th Oct 20

    I love all of these strategies.

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you, Keira! 🙂

  16. lilian | 16th Oct 20

    Awesome tips right there. This was very educative. Thanks for sharing.

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      So glad that you enjoyed the article, Lilian! 🙂 Educating others is my goal.

  17. Apocalypse Daddy | 16th Oct 20

    You had me on the opening – As children, we are often encouraged to think outside of the box, to solve our problems creatively. However, as we grow and are introduced to the many rules of life, continuing to develop or even maintain this skill gets much harder – This is great insight and one of the many fallacies of adulthood. Our creative reasoning and abstract take on life is taught out of us. It is a shame because creative thinking and the ability to accept failure, learn from our mistakes and think outside of the box are fundamental to a happy and sucessful life.

    Love point 4 – I fyou combine the writing process with a meditation practice no obstacle and no problem is too great.

    • Lyssa day | 16th Oct 20

      Thank you so much! I am so glad I was able to capture your attention. I am delighted that you have noticed this same trend as well. I totally agree, it can be harder to step back into creative problem solving as adults but it is totally possible, even necessary to reach our happiest selves.

      Writing has always been my go-to and it hasn’t let me down yet. 🙂

  18. Karen | 16th Oct 20

    I really like this idea – sometimes, we just need to get in touch with our inner child to go further in our creative life! Great post as always, Lyssa 🙂 I enjoy seeing your work!

  19. hari | 16th Oct 20

    this is an amazing post.
    it is so true that solving our problems creatively gives us a way out of the actual struggle itself.
    so timely for my current situation.
    thank you so much for sharing.

  20. Rezm | 17th Oct 20

    Wow so creative and informative post! Gonna follow then for sure! Thank you so much

  21. Inna | 18th Oct 20

    Omg this is so true. I think having the mind of a problem solver can be really beneficial. Although it is not easy, we should always find a solution to our problems instead of being upset. This reminds me of “where there’s a will there’s a way” proverb.

  22. m et md | 21st Oct 20

    Amazing tips! I love all the products you recommended

  23. Michael | 15th Nov 20

    Thanks for the marvelous posting! I seriously enjoyed reading
    it, you happen to be a great author. I will ensure that I bookmark your blog and will come back someday.

    I want to encourage one to continue your great
    posts, have a nice holiday weekend!

  24. Scout | 22nd Jul 21

    These are great examples of creative problem solving that show if you want something enough, keep at it, and try different things, eventually you’ll get it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Lyssa day | 23rd Jul 21

      So true! Thank you, Scout! I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have benefited from creative problem solving when it comes to reaching my goals!

  25. Adriane | 3rd Aug 21

    This is so motivating. It’s easy to fall into a rut and accept the status quo. Great tips!

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