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Category: Productivity

12 Ways To Find Your Motivation

It’s easy to get excited about a new goal or project. The hard part is staying motivated. Have you ever noticed how the most successful people never seem to lose motivation?That’s because successful individuals have learned the secret to staying productive even…

30 Ways To Be Productive At Home

There are many ways to be productive while at home. Productivity can affect a lot more than just your goals, it can also do wonders on your mental state, especially during a time when our routines feel thrown off. We can allow ourselves to be…

How To Create The Perfect 5 Year Plan

Long-term goals are often the hardest to accomplish, we lose track of them, or maybe get discouraged since the finish line is so far out, and sometimes we forget about them altogether. This is why creating a 5-year plan is the perfect way…

How To Create The Best Bedtime Routine

After a long day of work, it is easy to toss aside structure and sink into your couch for the evening. It might feel easier after a long day, but this will only hinder your productivity and growth…

Why You Should Practice Self-Care

Let’s face it; self-care is something that tends to get overlooked, which is why…

How To Be Happy, Now

When it comes to being happy right now, it seems that one of the biggest obstacles to finding happiness is living in the moment. It’s far too easy to tell ourselves, “I’ll be happy when…” But for some reason, happiness still manages to…

How To Create The Perfect Routine

With a proper routine, you should be able to find time for self-care, loved ones, and so much more. Not to mention, you WILL reach your goals so much faster when actively working toward them each and every day…